The family of the artist Saeed Saleh filed a complaint with the Attorney General against the statements of Fikri Sadiq

The family of the late artist Saeed Saleh submitted a complaint to the Attorney General, bearing No. 218921, against the artist Fikri Sadiq Saad, known as “Fikry Sadiq”, to investigate and take the necessary legal action against the defendant for the false statements and media conversations issued by him against the artist.

The statement submitted by Ashraf Nagy, the family’s lawyer, confirmed that these statements represent incidents of insult, defamation, defamation and spreading false news, which constitute the crimes stipulated in Articles 302/1, 303/1, 307, 308 and 102 of the Penal Code. Legally necessary against the defendant and referring him to a criminal trial for what he did against the deceased artist, who offended his name, his reputation, and the reputation of his family.

The communication said, at the end of September 2022, the family was surprised by statements from the defendant, the artist Fikri Sadiq, broadcast on many satellite channels, on several television programs, on many social media sites, and on YouTube channels, in which he talks about the late great artist Saeed Saleh, who died on 1/8 /2014.

The statements of the complainant against him represent insults, slander, defamation, insulting words to the reputation and honor of families, and false news about a respected Egyptian artist. His statements against him are as follows: :

Saeed Saleh is not a role model

– We have slept with each other and we have not been able to eat since the year 64

Saeed Saleh is a bad role model for an actor

– Saeed Saleh entered prison, he recorded what I am telling you, this is his record so that he can count on me

– I’m still going to say this in another program with Amr El-Leithy

– Saeed Saleh loves drugs more than he loves his daughter, and this was said by one of the greatest actors in Egypt

Which angered the Egyptian and Arab street and caused a sensation on the social media sites, as what the defendant did against him is considered a great offense to the artist Saeed Saleh, and it is considered a great offense to the artists of all of Egypt and also an offense to Egypt and the Egyptians that images of the Arab world that Egypt its artists are addicts Drugs, bad behavior, morals, and spreading false news about one of Egypt’s great artists, which gives a bad impression about Egyptian art and its heroes and stars. All social media is angry at the defendant’s statements, criticizing his unjustified rumors and lies against a respected artist.

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