The Finals: New Multiplayer Shooting Game with AI Voiced Characters and Destructible Environments

2023-10-30 03:08:04

The new multiplayer shooting game “The Finals” developed by Sweden’s Embark Studios started closed beta testing on the 26th of this month. It focuses on a high-degree of freedom battle gameplay that can destroy the environment. It attracted a peak of 260,000 Steam connections yesterday (29th) (excluding the console version) ), however, the characters in the game are voiced by AI, which has attracted players’ attention. “The Finals” has become a rising star in the recent FPS red sea. The Embark team announced on Discord that it will expand the server capacity to improve the multiplayer game experience. Embark Studio is composed of developers from the former “Battlefield” team DICE. “The Finals” inherits the signature Frostbite Engine features of “Battlefield”. The game scene can be destroyed from floors to furniture. Environmental changes have spawned many rapid changes. Rhythm stimulation tactics. This open test provides a cross-platform battle function, including five levels of points leagues and a free battle pass (BattlePass). Players participating in the open test can unlock 16 permanent unique rewards, which will be used after the official release. The 20 weapons in the open test version , 26 types of props and 9 NPCs with unique abilities have become a hot topic. Some players discovered that Embark uses AI to dub characters in “The Finals”. The official discussed this topic in an overseas podcast program, “With a few exceptions, we all use artificial intelligence dubbing. All contestants (characters) and narration are all AI text.” Converted speech generation…sound effects such as breathing, jumping, etc. are created in the recording studio.” The developer admitted that AI cannot create all sound effects at this stage. Although the podcast host did not question it, the team still emphasized the powerful function of AI text-to-speech With benefits, a few hours can save the dubbing work that previously took several months. “The dubbing quality is sufficient and allows us to respond extremely flexibly to innovative ideas and keep the game fresh.” In comparison. Embark is very satisfied with the performance of AI. Canadian voice actor Gianni Matragrano believes that AI dubbing will erase the efforts of traditional voice actors in dubbing. Officials should listen to the voices of players instead of saving costs and ignoring quality. Other netizens who oppose AI echoed, “No matter what the development team thinks No matter how realistic the AI ​​dubbing is, it still sounds like crap.” “far enough in terms of quality” “hours instead of months” – We are constantly banging out rush order sessions for like, within a day or two. You can literally get pro – grade VO for less than a grand total, bang out a couple recording sessions and bam you have all the audio you… — Gianni Matragrano (@GetGianni) October 28, 2023 The development team of the DLC “Free Fantasy” also used AI software to restore the voice of the late Polish dubbing actor of Dr. Wei, and received support from his family. On the contrary, many in the voice actor industry opposed the developer’s use of AI to demonstrate their voices. Lines that were never recorded. “The Finals” uses AI dubbing from scratch. There has been no actual impact of the protests. At the time of writing this article, the number of Steam connections reached 110,000. “The Finals” has been in the first round of public testing on Steam, Xbox Series and PS5. As of November 5, players can play it for free as long as they register a platform account.

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