the flu is still there, the Covid is coming back

The circulation of the influenza virus decreased during week 11 (from March 13 to 19) in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region but “the level remains epidemic”, notes Public Health France (SPF) in its regional epidemic bulletin dated of March 23. The indicators show a decrease in visits to the emergency room and consultations with SOS Médecins for flu syndrome, however the Sentinelles network notes a rise in the incidence rate from 140 cases/100,000 inhabitants to 174 cases/100,000 inhabitants between S10 and S11 . In the region, since the start of seasonal surveillance in October, 99 outbreaks of acute respiratory infections have been reported in nursing homes; 20 people were hospitalized in intensive care in February and 7 since the beginning of March; in S11, 6 deaths with mention of flu were recorded in electronic certification.

SPF also notes that the epidemiological indicators of Covid increase in S11 in the region “while remaining at a low level”, with an increase in the number of confirmed cases, even if the screening rate continues to decrease, and in the number of visits to emergency room.

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