The Grand Baromètre RTL Info: Polls, Voting Intentions, and the Rise of Sophie Wilmès

2023-12-15 18:00:00

In about 6 months, we will go to the polls to vote. But if the elections took place this Sunday, who would be the big winners? We have some answers thanks to the Grand Baromètre RTL info / Ipsos / Le Soir.

Always Sophie Wilmès

The three favorite political figures of Walloons are the following: Sophie Wilmès (MR), Alexander de Croo (VLD) and Paul Magnette (PS). They remain on the podium in Wallonia and Brussels, the September results being identical.

In Flanders, it is Bart de Wever (N-VA) who remains the most popular, ahead of Alexander de Croo (VLD) and Hilde Crevits (CD&V), who replaces the socialist Conner Rousseau (following his affairs in the fall) .

Also read Conner Rousseau leaves the Flemish parliament: “I will work on myself”

Which parties are in good shape?

In terms of voting intentions, the Socialist Party is strengthening in Wallonia. The PS remains the leading party (24%) in voting intentions. The MR is second party (20%), ahead of Ecolo (14%), tied with the PTB, which is therefore losing weight in 3 months:

In Brussels, the situation is very different. The PTB becomes THE leading party in the capital (19%), ahead of the MR which falls heavily. Third place for Ecolo. The PS ranks 4th party:

Finally, in Flanders, Vlaams Belang remains in the lead at 25%. In front of the N-VA and the Flemish socialists who are suffering the blow after the resignation of their leader Conner Rousseau. The Prime Minister’s party is last in Flanders!

great barometer sophie wilmès ptb polls poll voting intentions elections

#Grand #Barometer #disaster #PTB #Wallonia #Sophie #Wilmès #remains #popular

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