FdI soars and Pd in ​​free fall –

If in France the results of the second round of the legislative elections were a real surprise, in Italy they are only confirmations. As happens every Monday, during the 8pm edition of the La7 news, Enrico Mentana showed the results of the latest poll conducted by Swg. This week the voting orientation of Italians sees … Read more

Salis effect over? –

The national news agency Dire, in collaboration with the research institute Tecnè, has photographed the voting intentions of Italians and this week the most striking data is the gain in consensus by Forza Italia, which rises by 0.2% and reaches 10%. A slight decline, however, for Fratelli d’Italia, which falls by 0.1% and moves to … Read more

What is the psychosocial situation of Venezuelans?

The data was collected through surveys in several states of the country | Photo: Georgette Sahhar / El Diario The School of Psychology at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) presented the results of PsicoData 2024, a study that offers statistics on the psychosocial situation of Venezuelans. The research was carried out through data collection … Read more

Swg survey, Forza Italia and Avs develop, overtaking of the Azzurri confirmed –

Solely Forza Italia and Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra are rising, with a slight decline for the main events and a affirmation, that of the celebration based by Silvio Berlusconi overtaking the League. That is the {photograph} taken by Swg for La7. That is the primary political survey carried out following the European elections. Intimately, the … Read more

Univision denounced a publication about Maduro on its web page

The information company, primarily based in the USA, indicated that they are going to perform an investigation to find out the accountability of the publication The American tv community Univision reported on June 17 {that a} survey was printed on its web site that favored voting intentions for Nicolás Maduro within the July 28 presidential … Read more

Marion Maréchal saves the furnishings and gives her first elected officers to Reconquête

By accumulating 5.4% of the votes, Eric Zemmour’s motion sends MEPs to the European Parliament. The torture lasted till the top of the night. On the time of the primary outcomes at 8 p.m., nothing was but set in stone at Reconquête, measured simply above the fateful 5% mark. Marion Maréchal lastly saved the furnishings … Read more

overtaking on the sting –

Final polls earlier than the European elections on 8 and 9 June. The actions in Italians’ voting orientation are photographed by the Agi-Youtrend Supermedia which integrates the newest outcomes of the surveys of the principle opinion polling institutes. The most recent common earlier than the electoral blackout primarily confirms the developments which have emerged in … Read more

Survey of Prabowo-Gibran Voters Most Happy with Implementation of Homecoming 2024 – 2024-05-18 16:30:56

Prabowo Subianto throughout his marketing campaign in Bandar Lampung, January 2024. (Doc. Antara) INDICATORS Indonesian politics maps satisfaction with the implementation of the 2024 Eid homecoming with voters from three pairs of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates. It’s because this 12 months’s homecoming is near the Normal Election (2024 Election). “Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka … Read more