The “hardest” call Day4! Fully armed 5km march training and 2 tests of 7km and 10km | Politics | New Head Shell Newtalk

Convocators march with organic weapons.Picture: Provided by Military News Agency

The 206th Army Infantry Brigade’s “New 14-Day Educational Convocation Training” entered its 4th day today. In addition to continuing to strengthen the re-training of weaponry expertise, the conscripts also implemented a 5-kilometer “March Training” course for the first time to gradually strengthen their physical fitness. To achieve the combat power required to defend the territory, and consider the continuity of the course, there will be no vacation during the training period, and the training will be 10 hours a day, including 2 hours at night, for a total of 136 hours of training.

The National Army’s first new 14-day teaching call is implemented in the tactical position around Taoyuan Luzhu Dagu Mountain. The new teaching call will not be off for two weeks. The course will increase the number of hand, rifle and machine gun live ammunition, and carry out night marching and camping in the field. , picnic combined with heated lunch boxes and other training subjects. Today (8th) will enter the 4th day, and will conduct field combat coaching. The distance of the first marching training distance for the instructors on this day is 5 kilometers, and then there are 7 kilometers and 10 kilometers. There were 22 kilometers of marching training in 14 days.

The Ministry of National Defense held a press conference on the previous (2) days, saying that in response to the threat of the enemy, in order to effectively improve the reserve combat capability, the new system will be called for a 14-day trial verification. In the first quarter, the training units included 5 units including the 3rd Battalion of the 206th Brigade of the Army, the 4th Battalion of the 257th Brigade, the 203rd Artillery Battalion, the 3rd Battalion of the 3rd Air Force Wing and the 1st Battalion of the New Marine Training Brigade. 24 battalions and 1 company, totaling more than 15,000 people, were recruited for training, and the effectiveness of the trial was reviewed in the fourth quarter.

Before the marching training starts today (8), the company commander first summons the platoons and team leaders to give the marching order; then, the recruits carry the organic weapons and fully armed to set off, and walk up and down the mountain road several times, reaching 2.5 kilometers away. After reaching the target point, take a rest, and then turn back. The whole journey is 5 kilometers in total. In sunny weather, the physical strength of the caller is very tested.

The Sixth Army Corps stated that in this new training call, the marching distance has gradually increased from 5 kilometers, 7 kilometers and 10 kilometers, and a total of 22 kilometers of marching training in 14 days. In a step-by-step manner, the troops’ mobility is improved and they are familiar with the essentials of tactical sports. , but also to exercise the physique of the callers, hone their endurance and willpower, and build the self-confidence to defend their homeland.

The 206th Brigade of the Army Infantry was called to carry out marching training on the 8th.Picture: Provided by Military News Agency

The 206th Brigade of the Army Infantry was called to carry out marching training on the 8th.Picture: Provided by Military News Agency

The marching training passes through several up and down slopes to test the physical fitness of the recruits.Picture: Provided by Military News Agency

The marching training passes through several up and down slopes to test the physical fitness of the recruits.Picture: Provided by Military News Agency

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