The Healing Power of Pineapple: 9 Health Benefits and Medical Uses of Bromelain

2024-03-25 07:41:05

The medical value of pineapple (also called pineapple) is mainly attributed to bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that aids digestion and relieves arthritis. (Shutterstock)

In addition to being juicy, sweet and delicious, pineapples (Ananas comosus) have been used by naturopaths since ancient times to relieve stomach ailments.The medical value of pineapple is mainly attributed toBromelain, a proteolytic enzyme. Bromelain is found in a variety of nutraceutical and herbal preparations, and research continues for its potential use in other medical applications.

9 Health Benefits of Pineapple (Tineapple)

Pineapples are native to South America. In the 15th century, pineapples were introduced to Europe and India as sailors discovered that eating them helped them stay healthy during long voyages. Today, 100 different varieties of pineapple are sold around the world, mainly from Costa Rica, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and India.

Compounds found in pineapples have a variety of health benefits, including strengthening the immune system, aiding digestion, helping maintain the body’s acid-base balance, and reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

The most important of these is bromelain. As a proteolytic enzyme, it helps break down protein molecules in food for better absorption and digestion. This property also has other benefits for the body.

1. Protect the heart

Pineapples contain fiber and potassium, both of which help keep your heart healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium is essential for regulating blood pressure, while fiber helps lower cholesterol levels.

Pineapple’s antioxidants are flavonoids and phenolic compounds that reduce inflammation and free radical damage.A study conducted on micelaboratory researchThese antioxidants have been shown to protect the heart by reducing cardiac oxidative stress and inflammation.

Pineapples contain fiber and potassium, both of which help keep your heart healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. . (Shutterstock)

2. Improve brain cognition

The copper content in pineapples may help maintain neural pathways in the brain, thereby improving cognitive function. A study conducted in Iran in 2017Researchshowed that pineapple juice had a positive impact on the cognitive ability of memory-impaired mice to recognize objects. Researchers concluded that pineapple has the potential to treat certain cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The tryptophan and magnesium in pineapple can help with mental health by reducing anxiety and improving mood. Both are known to increase the body’s production of serotonin, a mood-boosting substance. People suffering from depression and anxiety can include pineapple in their daily diet.

3. Fight cancer

Cancer is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer progression is associated with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

Pineapple contains anti-cancer compounds, including quercetin, beta-carotene, bromelain, and vitamin C, which strengthen the immune system and neutralize harmful free radicals, thereby minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Additionally, bromelain has been shown to reduce tumor growth, induce cell death, and reduce inflammation.

one itemlaboratory researchfound that bromelain can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, anotherResearchIt was found to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells.

Research into the cancer-fighting properties of pineapples continues, and some cancer centers are incorporating pineapples into patients’ daily diets.

4. Promote digestion

Bromelain, the primary digestive enzyme in pineapples, was first discovered in 1891 and has been used as a dietary supplement to treat upset stomach and inflammation for more than 50 years.

Bromelain, the main digestive enzyme in pineapples, was first discovered in 1891 and has been used for more than 50 years to treat upset stomach and inflammation.Dietary Supplements. Eight proteolytic substances have been isolated from bromelain. Bromelain therapy is indicated for patients with pancreatic insufficiency who are unable to produce enough digestive enzymes.

Not only does bromelain help digest protein in food, but pineapple fiber aids in intestinal motility and healthy bowel movements.

Because the bromelain enzyme in pineapple can break down protein, it is often used with meat dishes. (Shutterstock)

5. Sports injuries

Because bromelain has anti-inflammatory effects, particularly on muscles, joints, and soft tissues, it can be used to treat sports injuries and itemclinical researchshowed that giving bromelain to boxers “completely eliminated all bruises on the face and hematomas in the eye sockets, lips, ears, chest and arms within four days.”

Additionally, the magnesium in pineapples can relieve muscle cramps and fatigue.

6. Treat arthritis

one servingscientific literatureThe review suggests that bromelain may be a safer alternative treatment for osteoarthritis “due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.” One study found that people with inflammatory lower back arthritis benefited as much from bromelain supplements as from regular pain relievers.

7. Protect skin

Burn or wound careThe first critical step is to ensure that the wound is treated before systemic complications such as inflammation and infection develop. Bromelain gel is often used to remove as much damaged skin as possible, allowing cells to regrow with minimal scarring.

MultipleResearchBromelain has been shown to reduce inflammation, swelling, bruising, and pain after surgery. Bromelain is also effective in controlling pain after periodontal surgery.

Bromelain is included in many topical skin cosmetics for its exfoliating properties and ability to remove damaged tissue.

8. Improve sexual health

Although specific scientific studies are sparse, manysexual health professionalIt is believed that pineapple’s nutrients and known properties can improve sexual health. Bromelain’s many benefits are thought to help enhance libido and sexual function, increase strength and energy, and improve fertility.

9. Supplement nutrition

Pineapple is rich in nutrients, such as high fiber, low calories, fat-free and a variety of minerals and vitamins. For details, you can clickhere

Note 4 points

Although pineapple is powerful, not everyone can eat it casually. You should be careful in the following situations:

  • • Eating pineapple may cause allergic reactions, including itching, swelling, and tingling in the mouth and throat.
  • • The acidity in pineapple juice may cause heartburn or acid reflux in some people.
  • • Excessive consumption of pineapple can lead to increased blood sugar levels.
  • • Bromelain can interact with certain medications, including antibiotics, anticoagulants, and anticonvulsants.

For the English report, please see the English version of The Epoch Times:Pineapple–Aids in Digestion, Arthritis Pain, and Healing Sports Injuries

In this chaotic world, if you want to be healthy, look at Health 1+1!

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Editor in charge: Li Fan

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