“The Impact of Landscape Decree on Higher Education and the Blockade: Insights from Louvain-la-Neuve Campus”

2023-05-29 18:02:53

In higher education, the blockade is on everyone’s lips. Period of usual stress, it is combined this year with a novelty: the reform of the Landscape decree. On the Louvain-la-Neuve campus, students are more or less aware of the impact of this new decree.

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Reading time: 4 mins

BBathed in the sun, the streets of the university city are quieter than during major festive occasions. At lunchtime, a few groups sit here and there on the Place de l’Université or the Grand-Place. We eat a sandwich there, we chat for a few moments before continuing our day’s work. In Louvain-la-Neuve, “we celebrate all year round, sometimes we cry in June”, summed up Edouard Priem in 1996. A few days before the month of June, you have to push the door of the brick buildings with their architecture, let’s say… sad, to discover students there.

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#Higher #education #afraid #longer #financed #Landscape #decree

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