The Impact of Stress on Eye Health: Understanding How Repeated Stress Can Lead to Vision Problems and Glaucoma

2024-01-26 17:31:00

A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine found that repeated stress can cause changes in the retina of the eyes similar to those that occur with natural aging.

Regular nervous experiences lead to surges in intraocular pressure (DUL), which leads to poor vision, optic atrophy and the development of glaucoma.

Various stress factors, including nervous system strain and hypertension, are considered the main causes of increased intraocular pressure, which can lead to the development of glaucoma. Glaucoma is usually associated with older people, but research has found that younger people are also susceptible to the negative effects of increased intraocular pressure due to stress, reports

An experiment in mice demonstrated that increased intraocular pressure triggered the activation of genes involved in the stress response, as well as pathways of inflammation and cell death, which is similar to the retinal response in aging organisms.

The discovery highlights the importance of early diagnosis of eye diseases, since increased intraocular pressure can be a signal of possible changes in the retina, even in young people.

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