The Incredible World of Gut Microorganisms: Optimizing Health Through Diet

2023-08-20 13:33:03

20/08/2023 and las 15:33 CEST

The incredible world of intestinal microorganisms is showing its power in human health. These trillions of bacteria that inhabit our intestinal tract have a profound impact on key systems in the body, such as metabolism and the immune system.

Penny M. Kris-Etherton, an expert in nutritional sciences at Penn State University, points out that greater bacterial diversity is associated with better health and diet.

A revealing study compared the daily consumption of 28 grams of peanuts with a high-carbohydrate snack. In just 6 weeks, those who enjoyed the nut showed an increase in the abundance of Ruminococcaceaea family of bacteria linked to healthy liver metabolism and immune function.

Peanuts are not only rich in vegetable protein, but also in fiber, which contributes to intestinal well-being, weight control, and prevention of problems such as blood clots or diabetes.

The rapid impact of certain foods on the intestine has also been observed with spices such as cinnamon, ginger, cumin, turmeric, rosemary, oregano, basil, and thyme.

In a study focused on people at risk of cardiovascular disease, it was found that adding these spices to the diet for 4 weeks increased bacterial diversity, especially with moderate and high doses. This is a simple and delicious way to improve gut health and reduce sodium intake.

The relationship between gut health and diet is becoming increasingly evident, and these studies show that small changes in our diet can have a positive impact on the diversity and balance of gut bacteria, which in turn benefits our health. in general.

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