The internal structure of the Apple Studio Display is more complex than the iMac


Appears to be a system without preloading iMacbut can only be used as an external monitor Apple Studio Display The thickness is 50% more, what is going on? iFixit gave us the answer after the teardown.

In the teardown report, iFixit stated that the internal structure of the Studio Display is quite complex (or the iMac is easy tostreamline? ), because Apple puts iMac for M1 Originally, the external power supply is integrated into the fuselage, so when you open it, you will see a power supply circuit board with a multi-layer design. With such ingenious engineering design, it is possible to drive the entire Studio Display with only one USB-C cable for power supply and data transmission.

Another selling point of Studio Display is thatcriticizedThe 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera with its characteristic centering function, iFixit found that its module is exactly the same as that of the iPhone 11, so everyone should be able to get a better video experience than the evaluation performance.

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