The Magical Healing Properties of Aloe: The Ultimate Remedy for Sunburn and Skin Conditions

2023-08-05 23:00:56

In every house, this plant was previously very much appreciated – Grandmothers always used

August 6 – NVL. In every house you can have a plant that was very much appreciated before, because it was called a remedy for 100 diseases.

The opinion of a dermatologist and cosmetologist Anastasia Chesnokova was published on the Web, who spoke about the magical healing properties of aloe. This houseplant was appreciated by grandmothers before. It is an indispensable remedy for sunburn. The information is provided by the source “Kubanskiye Novosti”.

Photo source: Editorial photo

Aloe will be extremely useful during the summer heat. It is during this period that you can easily get burns from the sun. The sap of the plant contains 98% water. This hydrates the affected skin. In addition, aloe leaves have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Photo source: Editorial photo

To properly heal the burn, cool the affected area with a jet of water. If necessary, it should be carefully cleaned without using disinfectants. Then you can apply aloe juice very carefully and it is advisable not to cover the damage with anything from above. This procedure is repeated twice a day. In this case, relief should come soon.

Aloe can help during any thermal injuries of only the first or second degree. The article is informative. If necessary, contact a specialist.

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