The most important warning signs that indicate the rapid approach of Alzheimer’s disease!

Follow up – Samah Ismail

Alzheimer’s disease is considered one of the most frightening diseases in human history. It is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that gets worse over time, causes the body to lose its functions, and ultimately leads to death.

In this article, we will mention the most important warning signs that indicate an approaching Alzheimer’s disease:

1- Difficulty planning, solving tests and dealing with numbers:

You certainly won’t do complex math or professional planning, but having difficulty calculating some easy numbers and doing very simple math or not being able to tell when to do something because of too little or losing focus are not good signs.

2- Difficulty doing traditional business:

A person loses the ability to perform routine tasks, for example, a person with Alzheimer’s may suddenly lose his way back to his home or forget how to do his favorite activity that he always used to do.

3- Feeling anxious and showing signs of depression:

Anxiety is a symptom of depression and a possible early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. It is linked to elevated levels of beta-amyloid in the brain – an amino acid found abundantly in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients – that leads to future dementias.

4- Difficulty locating and losing the ability to sense time:

People with Alzheimer’s disease lose their sense of time and it is difficult for them to know the day or time period or to identify the different months of the year.

5- Vision problems:

For some people, vision problems can be an early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease and manifest as difficulty reading, a loss of ability to judge distances and color identification, and difficulty focusing on text while reading.

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