Specific leave in the event of a child with a serious pathology

2022-08-10 22:00:00

N° 868



Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on August 9, 2022


relating to specific leave in the event of a child suffering from a particularly serious pathology,


By Mmes Alexandra BORCHIO FONTIMP, Patricia DEMAS, MM. Henri LEROY, Philippe TABAROT, Mrs Annie DELMONT-KOROPOULIS, MM. Philippe BAS, Roger KAROUTCHI, Mrs Pascale GRUNY, MM. Philippe MOUILLER, Jean-François RAPIN, Christian CAMBON, Max BRISSON, Jérôme BASCHER, Mrs. Valérie BOYER, Mr. Mathieu DARNAUD, Mrs. Laurence GARNIER, MM. Fabien GENET, Ronan LE GLEUT, Stéphane LE RUDULIER, Ms. Kristina PLUCHET, Elsa SCHALCK, Mr. Cédric VIAL, Ms. Françoise DUMONT, Mr. Alain HOUPERT, Ms. Marie MERCIER, MM. Stéphane PIEDNOIR, Michel SAVIN, Bruno BELIN, Mrs Céline BOULAY-ESPÉRONNIER, Anne CHAIN-LARCHÉ, Laure DARCOS, MM. Pierre CHARON, Édouard COURTIAL, Mrs Corinne IMBERT, MM. Alain JOYANDET, Olivier PACCAUD, Cédric PERRIN, Cyril PELLEVAT, Olivier RIETMANN, Stéphane SAUTAREL, Jean-Marc BOYER, Étienne BLANC, Ms Martine BERTHET, Nadine BELLUROT, MM. Didier MANDELLI, Jean BACCI, Jean-Claude ANGLARS, Mrs Catherine DUMAS, Else JOSEPH, MM. Jean Pierre VOGEL, Damien REGNARD, Serge BABARY, Mrs Marie-Christine CHAUVIN, Sylvie GOY-CHAVENT, MM. Daniel LAURENT, Christian KLINGER, Mrs Catherine BELRHITI, Sylviane NOËL, Mr Jean-Jacques PANUNZI, Mrs Vivette LOPEZ, MM. Philippe PAUL, Bruno SIDO, Mrs Anne VENTALON, Brigitte LHERBIER, Mr Gilbert FAVREAU, Mrs Christine BONFANTI-DOSSAT, Mr Christophe-André FRASSA, Mrs Frédérique GERBAUD, Mr Sébastien MEURANT, Mrs Claudine THOMAS, Mr Michel BONNUS, Mrs Laurence MULLER-BRONN, Mr. Hugues SAURY, Ms. Viviane MALET, Mr. Yves BOULOUX, Ms. Brigitte MICOULEAU, Toine BOURRAT, Mr. Jean-Michel ARNAUD, Ms. Annick BILLON, Mr. Yves DÉTRAIGNE, Ms. Brigitte DEVÉSA, Amel GACQUERRE, Jocelyne GUIDE, MM. Olivier HENNO, Loïc HERVÉ, Jean HINGRAY, Ms. Annick JACQUEMET, Mr. Claude KERN, Ms. Sonia de LA PROVÔTÉ, MM. Pierre-Antoine LEVI, Pascal MARTIN, Ms Évelyne PERROT and Nadia SOLLOGOUB,


(Sent to the Social Affairs Committee, subject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)

#Specific #leave #event #child #pathology

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