The Nation offices in Córdoba continue without assigned authorities

2024-01-07 20:14:59

Almost a month after Javier Mieli took office, the offices of the national organizations in Córdoba continue without replacement in their leadership. Both in Pami and Anses, institutions that provide essential services, continue to be directed, in many cases, by officials from Alberto Fernández’s administration. His authorities go to work daily, despite having submitted their resignation and not receiving a salary.

Until last Friday, the employees were waiting for the replacements to arrive to make the transfer of command.

According to its own survey, the new national administration must designate around 300 names to fill positions in Córdoba that historically were “political positions.” There are still no officials in those places, while the libertarian thread from Cordoba visits the offices of the new owners in Buenos Aires, seeking to gather positions for their militancy.

As said, there are no answers yet.

The decision of the new bosses is awaited to know if they will modify the institutional organization charts, to be consistent with the “cutting of the caste”, in accordance with the “Milei era”, or if they will continue to operate with the same logic as always. Everything indicates that the heads of many organizations will resolve with the election of internal employees with a track record, to reduce public spending.

In addition to Pami and Anses, among the other prominent organizations that await news are the provincial delegations of Renaper, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Human Development and its secretariats, along with the Fadea aircraft factory, the Migration delegation, Inti and Inta, among others.

In Anses there is absolute uncertainty in the 18 provincial offices, according to the outgoing managers. Córdoba still has no authorities in the Comprehensive Care Units (Udai). Branch managers have resigned as Udai bosses, but most continue to go to work.

“From the regional they told us that they had reached an agreement. Between December 7 and 8, they sent us an email in which they proposed to request the dismissal of the position, requesting relocation within Anses itself, in another branch. Many colleagues resigned and accepted the new position. Others have not yet sent their resignation, they continue to work, marking entry and so far no one has fired them,” mentioned a former senior official of the institution.

In the offices, in which the managers have stepped down from their positions, the natural replacements are those who have taken over, remaining as legal representatives.

Delays in appointments in Anses, in the interior, seem to be common before a change of management. In 2019, when Alberto Fernández took office, they followed the same path, also surprised by the pandemic, a situation in which in-person assistance was resigned and care was centralized through telephone and digital means.


The Federal Administration of Public Revenue has three General Directorates at the national level: DGI General Tax Directorate (DGI), General Directorate of Customs (DGA) and General Directorate of Social Security Resources. In the three agencies, they have already assigned those responsible to the headquarters, who are career employees, within the same organization.

Although there are still no developments in Córdoba, it is expected that the same logic will be applied in each department. Due to the functioning of this institution, the entity expresses that it is not urgent for there to be changes because intermediate positions always tend to be internal career positions, not political ones.

From the union they are satisfied with the national decision because they emphasize that this was the historical imprint of the Afip: to elect members with more than twenty or thirty years of career in these roles.

They emphasize that this tradition was lost since the second government of Cristina Fernández, who occupied those places with militants, and they celebrate the return of the original imprint.


The situation in Pami remains in line with the other dependencies. Olga Riutort, former head of the institution in Córdoba, continues to accompany the organization, despite the change of Government. Although she presented the corresponding resignation on December 11, she continues to go to the entity to respond to the affiliates who still contact her and closing the pending procedures that they require from the affiliates.

“We don’t even have indications of who will come to Córdoba. In the Nation, the leaderships are not assigned either. I left my signature to the accounting coordinators so they can continue working. I asked them not to resign, otherwise there is no one to take charge of continuing with the daily tasks.”

More than 450,000 members depend on Pami, in Córdoba Capital, and in Río Cuarto, for example, there are around 50,000.

#Nation #offices #Córdoba #continue #assigned #authorities

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