The Negative Effects of Excessive Sexual Intercourse on Women’s Health: A Comprehensive Review

2023-08-22 13:31:59

04:30 PM Tuesday, August 22, 2023

the concerto

There is no doubt that sexual intercourse offers the couple many amazing benefits, however, intimacy must be practiced in moderation, because excessive sexual intercourse has negative effects on women’s health.

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In the next report, The Consulto reviews the impact of excessive sexual intercourse on women’s health, according to Healthshots.

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The effect of excessive sexual intercourse on women

1- A woman’s risk of vaginal dryness increases when she has excessive intercourse, because frequent intimacy increases the production of vaginal secretions, until their levels decrease with the passage of time.

2- Women become more susceptible to urinary tract infection when they practice excessive intimacy, and the reason is due to the imbalance that occurs to the pH levels in the vagina.

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3- Practicing intimacy is equivalent to performing exercise, so excessive intercourse leads to muscle tension, as a result of the double physical effort that the body is exposed to.

4- A woman who is accustomed to having sex more than once a day feels severe pelvic pain.

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The normal rate of intimacy

The normal rate of intimacy varies from person to person according to age, as shown below:

Twenties: Intimacy can be practiced daily.

Thirties: It is allowed to have sex every two days.

The rest of the age stages: It is recommended to have sex once a week.

Also read: Per week – how many times can you have sexual intercourse after sixty?

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