The other ending that Peter Jackson considered for ‘The Lord of the Rings’

the premiere of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has reignited interest in Middle-earth and Tolkien’s work. A recurring theme thanks to the extraordinary films of Peter Jackson, even though this, like the Amazon Prime Video series, was taken small creative licenses regarding the books. That Aragorn’s story was different, like Boromir’s death, or that Eowyn and Faramir did not fall in love as in the pages is something that fans have not yet forgiven the director.

However, they all give thanks that it was leal al final. We understand that it is difficult for even today there is someone who does not know him and it is already known that “if more than ten years have passed, it is not considered spoiler», but, just in case, foolish readers who are not unaware of it are warned.

All those who have reached the outcome in The return of the King, they can hardly forget the one who is considered one of the most epic endings in history of the cinema That tense showdown in Mordor between an already corrupted Frodo and an obsessed Gollum fighting just as hard for destroy or save the One Ring. And that during his pilgrimage from the Shire accompanied by the so-called Community of the Ring, he considers succumbing to its influence on several occasions and refusing to throw it away.

Gollum’s mind is further corrupted by greed for the ring and he plans, at all times, to run away with it. However, between the chaos and the fight on Mount Doom, Frodo loses the finger on which he wears it from a bite and the ill-fated –and fantastic– character of Andy Serkis he rushes into the lava, taking his precious treasure with him and dying for what he craves most.

Sauron’s object of power is already destroyed and peace is sealed. But, what other ending did Peter Jackson propose as the outcome of the film? Director he intended Frodo to murder the creature in cold blood. As he revealed in his biography published in 2006, A film-maker’s journey, In the original script, the Hobitt was going to push Gollum directly from the edge of the abyss, in what the director calls a “direct murder”.

In fact, the filmmaker came to film the sequence as the final ending, something that these days spreads like wildfire on the internet. In the video we can see how the makeup department characterizes Elijah Wood, turning him into the new Gollum and even imitating his characteristic voice. However, over time, Jackson reflected and had the entire team shoot the outcome that we already know. “Making Frodo a murderer went against everything JRR Tolkien would have wanted for his heroes.”

A good decision, no doubt, since, above all, the trilogy of The Lord of the rings has been praised for being a fairly faithful adaptation of the novels. Although he made certain changes, Peter Jackson always respected the vision of the original creator.

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