The perfect homemade trick to get rid of the bad smell of the microwave – Enseñame de Ciencia

Get rid of the bad smell of the microwave.

The microwave is one of the most used appliances, as they are ideal for heating food in seconds. Unfortunately, with the passing of uses, its interior begins to store somewhat unpleasant odors that remain impregnated in the food, luckily you can get rid of this odor easily. If you want to know how you can get rid of the bad aromas inside the microwave, then take note of the following.

Get rid of the bad smell

The trick to get rid of bad odors is quite simple, in addition to the fact that it will only be necessary to use some homemade ingredients that you surely have in the kitchen. For this occasion you will only need the mixture of a tablespoon of bicarbonate and a cup of vinegar, to later introduce in the microwave for 5 minutes. To continue, you will have to turn off the microwave and let it rest for 10 minutes without opening it, that is, letting the steam from the mixture act inside.

Once the estimated time has elapsed, then remove the container with the mixture that has not evaporated. We recommend that you do not stand in front of the microwave, as the steam may cause you some difficulty caused by excessive inhalation, make sure it is warm/cold so that you can rub inside. To finish, you just have to clean the entire interior surface with a kitchen sponge or a completely clean cloth, you will see that the interior will be impeccable and free of bad odors.

try this trick

You may want to try other types of recommendations to get rid of bad odors. For this, the Whirlpool website gives the following tips also using baking soda:,Remove%20any%20debris%20or%20loose%20burnt%20pieces%20from%20the%20microwave,Heat%20for%202%2D5%20minutes.&text=Wipe%20the%20interior%20with%20a%20sponge%20or%20paper%20towel.

Put the deodorant on: Place an open box of baking soda inside your microwave before bed. If you don’t have baking soda, you can also use 1 cup of activated charcoal or dried coffee grounds in an open container. Let family members know not to microwave while your deodorant is inside.

Remove and reuse deodorant: Let absorb odors overnight and remove in the morning. While you shouldn’t use the same baking soda for cooking afterwards, you should still be able to use it for cleaning. If the cabinets above your microwave smell burnt, you can also move your deodorant there to try to get rid of the odor over time.

another recommendation

To conclude, if in addition to eliminating bad odors you want to clean the exterior to leave the microwave completely clean, then you can try the following procedure, in which you will need a mixture of lemon and white vinegar. Using a kitchen sponge or a totally clean cloth, immerse it in the container with water and lemon that was used previously. Once this is done, clean all the interior walls, especially in the areas that are affected by food remains. Wipe and rinse until they are completely removed. You can also add a little dry baking soda to the rag or sponge for best results. In any case, rub gently to remove stains and make it totally clean.

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