The Placebo Effect: Unraveling the Power of the Mind and Perception in Health

2023-08-07 05:36:24

Placebos refer to activities or substances that are similar to forms of treatment but do not have a direct effect on the patient’s body or brain functions, but may change the patient’s condition for the better.Science Alert“.

“Placebo” may include swallowing pills made of sugar, or injecting a saline solution, and a number of people who receive a placebo usually report changes in their condition, such as decreased pain, or increased energy and activity, which is called the “placebo effect”.

What is the reason for the “placebo” effect?

It is not entirely clear why some people experience what is known as the “placebo effect”, but the form, color or price of the treatment and how it is marketed can cause this feeling, according to a newspaper report.The New York Times“.

Today, the placebo effect is stronger than it was in the past, and is likely to affect our perceptions of our health on a psychological level.

Hormonal responses and neurotransmitters may also play a role in the ‘feeling the placebo effect’, by raising levels of ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

Can a placebo be used “medically”?

In general, placebos are given either without the patient’s ‘knowledge’, or with their consent to receive an ‘experimental treatment’.

Placebos cannot cure diseases, but research suggests that they relieve subjective symptoms for some people, such as pain, nausea, anxiety and fatigue, according to the network.NPR“.

And the “placebo” effect can still develop in some people even when the recipient knows their treatment does not contain active ingredients or mechanisms.

#placebo..and #effect #human #health

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