The plant that helps cleanse the kidneys

The kidneys are decisive organs for the proper functioning of the body, since among their various functions they are responsible for eliminating the acid produced by the body’s cells and maintaining a healthy balance of water, salts and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the blood.

According to the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, without this balance, nerves, muscles, and other tissues in the body may not function normally. Additionally, the kidneys produce hormones that help control blood pressure, make red blood cells, and keep bones strong and healthy.

The National Library of Medicine of the United States assures that inside each kidney there are a million small structures called nephrons, and that most kidney diseases attack these small parts, which makes these organs unable to eliminate waste.

People who suffer from diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure have a higher risk of facing damage to this part of the body. Diseases in these organs can include cancer, cysts, stones and infections.

To take care of the kidneys, one of the recommendations of the experts is to follow a diet low in salt and fat. Photo: Getty images. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.

There are several causes that can interfere with the health of the kidneys and the function they perform. For example: toxic exposure to environmental contaminants or certain medications; some serious or chronic diseases, severe dehydration or kidney trauma, according to information from the Healthline portal.

One of the best ways to take care of them is by eating a healthy diet, low in fat and salt. Additionally, experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids, reducing the consumption of processed foods, replacing animal protein with vegetable protein, and eliminating sodium from the diet, as well as sweets and alcohol.

It is also possible to resort to some home remedies that can be useful to clean them. One of them is parsley infusion, a plant to which antiseptic, antioxidant, depurative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and immunoprotective properties are attributed.

A publication of the Better with Health portal, written by Katherine Flórez, ensures that this plant contains antioxidant compounds such as beta-carotene, as well as vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur.

“Its richness in nutrients helps purify the body of waste substances and excess fat. Its accumulation generates interruptions in the functioning of the so-called purifying organs”, he specifies.

It is said that its antiseptic benefits are related to the chlorophyll it contains and that its immunoprotective effect is the product of beta-carotene, a pigment belonging to carotenoids that represents a great source of vitamin A.

In addition to all of the above, parsley has a digestive action that decreases inflammation, gas and pain that can occur when food does not sit well with the stomach.

The most common way to take advantage of the properties of this plant is by preparing an infusion. To do this, six tablespoons of leaves and a liter of water are required.

The first thing to do is wash the parsley and to make it very disinfected it can be submerged in a little water with vinegar or lemon. Then, it is cut into small pieces and placed in a container with hot water, the decoction is allowed to take place for about 10 minutes and then it rests. After that, it is strained and ready to be consumed. If the person prefers it cold, you can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Better with Health indicates that to take advantage of the benefits of this drink, you can consume a glass of this water on an empty stomach, waiting at least 30 minutes before eating any other food. Up to two glasses a day can be taken and should be consumed for two weeks in a row; if the person considers it necessary, they can do the cleaning once a month.

Although it is a natural product, it is always best to consult a doctor before starting this type of treatment, especially if there are signs of discomfort in the kidneys.. Additionally, it is important to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

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