The Power of Friendship: How Relationships Impact Happiness and Well-Being

2024-04-10 03:59:20

After a couple of years of isolation, something became clear to us: social relationships are an essential part of happiness. Now, science shows the relationship between friendship has benefits for our well-being and even our mental health.

If you’re going through a tough time, why don’t you give one of your friends a call? Don’t do it to vent or tell them in detail about all your sorrows, just do it to share a pleasant chat, share some laughs and, suddenly, as if by magic, you will notice less regret in your heart.

“Our relationships and how happy we are in them have a powerful influence on our health,” explains the psychiatrist Robert Waldinge

Friendship is a fundamental aspect in people’s lives.

Benefits of happiness

Studies that confirm the relationship between happiness and having friends:

  • It gives you stability
    The emotional relationship with close friends is important for the well-being of adolescents, according to the Doctoral Thesis of Inmaculada Sánchez, by the Sevilla University
    . His work found that the stability of these relationships gains meaning and importance in modern living conditions.
  • It is contagious
    Happiness can spread in a social network, reaching all three levels of connection. This means that a person’s happiness can benefit not only their immediate friends, but also their friends’ friends and their friends’ friends’ friends, according to a study by Salvatore Moccia
  • It is more valuable than material
    Edgar Cabanas and Eva Illouz, in the book Happycracia
    , analyzed the relationship between happiness and the market, and found that happiness is increasingly linked to the satisfaction of material needs and the pursuit of happiness through consumption. You laugh more and spend less, offer!
  • Reduce your stress level
    Friends can help reduce stress, as their presence and support can provide a sense of security and comfort. Interacting with friends can help reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, details an article from Psychology and Mind
  • It makes you live longer
    “Both actual and perceived social isolation are associated with an increased risk of premature mortality,” according to the meta-analytic study
    Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for mortality. In other words, the harmful effects of loneliness are worse than those of obesity, and could be compared to those of smoking about 15 cigarettes a day for years.
  • Friendship is a fundamental part of human life. Not only does it provide us with companionship and support, but it can also have a significant impact on our happiness and well-being. If you want to be happier, it’s important to cultivate healthy, meaningful relationships with other people.

    As a child I wanted to be a storyteller and illustrator, but I found my calling as a lifestyle storyteller.

    #friends #happier #give #scientific #reasons

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