“The Power of Healthy Eating: Transform Your Health and Prevent Chronic Diseases”

2023-05-24 12:44:10

Health says “Thank you!”

There is hardly a physical sticking point that healthy food does not turn inside out in a positive way.

First things first: A balanced, conscious diet reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure or elevated blood lipid levels by a whopping 78 percent. This was the result of a study by the German Institute for Nutrition Research in Potsdam with 23,000 test persons. Eating healthy also means significantly less stress on the body. He no longer has to struggle with energy-consuming harmful food substances. And it doesn’t lack any nutrients either. Last but not least, this affects the neuro-performance of the brain. Even our mood. Of course, a healthy diet is no guarantee for a long life. But the chances of growing old fit and healthy increase enormously as a result.

#healthy #eating

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