The Power of Social Relationships: The Secret to Longevity and Well-Being

2023-09-12 11:52:39

The habit of long-lived people: taking care of family and friendship ties

There is common habit in between long-lived people which seems to have a clear relationship with his longer life expectancyas confirmed by all the experts who dedicate their careers to study longevity. Longevity is the new hype in terms of well-being about which we want to know more, probably because of the desire, not so much to live longer, but above all to live better. We refer to the importance of social relationships and, especially, the need that human beings have to dedicate time to establishing and caring for family and friendship ties. Social support is a protective factor for mental health and, as stated Unai Asoplatform psychologist online Buencoco“we are social beings by nature and relationships with others are fundamental to our psychological well-being.”

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Social relationships prevent brain deterioration

This is what the neuroscientist says Rudolph Dance, of Harvard Medical School, who developed the acronym SHIELD to explain healthy habits that protect the brain. Some are old acquaintances: sleep, stress management, daily exercise, learning new things, eating well and the protagonist of this article: interact with friends. And he is more specific when talking about social relationships: “Research suggests that it is useful see one or two family members or close friends at least once or twice a monthin addition to the family that you see every day,” explains the expert in a article of Harvard Health Publishing, in which he insists that these people must be “with whom you feel close and whom you can trust.” In fact, he provides another piece of information: loneliness can increase the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s.

The importance of ‘home people’

In line with what Tanzi explains about taking care of social relationships, we are aware – we already talked about it – that an excess of them can cause social fatigue. Or, in many cases, it is not so much about an excess, but simply that Not everyone has the same need to socialize. However, this recommendation to take care of social relationships refers above all to those trusted people who, as defined by the psychologist Barbara Tovar“son people house. There are people who are so ours that they do not represent fatigue or excess energy. They are home, they make us feel so good that they do not demand the energy that other types of interpersonal relationships demand.”

Social relations in the Blue Zones

In this compilation of benefits of spending quality time with friends, family and trusted people, it is important to note that in the so-called Blue Zones – places in the world where life expectancy is higher – these relationships are tremendously important. In OkinawaFor example, it is common to create social support groups among friends – they call them Beautiful– to provide help of all kinds to other members of your community. And in Barbagia, in Sardinia, there are no nursing homes because they are organized to care for their elderly. In fact, according to the journalist Dan Buettnerwho has been studying these Blue Zones for years, the loneliness in the United StatesFor example, it is coming to cost 15 years of life expectancy. Without a doubt, cultivating happy relationships is necessary to live longer and better.


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