“The PTB TikTok video controversy and political manipulation: Exploring the debate in Belgian Parliament”

2023-05-05 11:49:01

This Friday morning, at the start of the session, Céline Frémault gave a rant denouncing “a certain uneasiness on the part of a certain number of parliamentarians about the use of our remarks 15 days ago in plenary session by the PTB which posted a video on TikTok.

Addressing Françoise De SmedtCéline Frémault added: “I’m telling you straight in the eye. I find it intellectually and politically dishonest. We do not take excerpts that suit you only to be manipulated when I think I made it clear that the debate could not wait.

The Trumpian methods of the PTB

For Vincent De Wolf, MP MR, “ces attacks“of the PTB”uttered on a large scale are unjustified. They widen the gap between citizens and parliament. It is sacred, democracy. And you attacked her outrageously and unjustifiably. Undermining it for populist and electoralist motives is irresponsible.

Abundant in his sense, Guy Vanhengel (Open VLD) accused the PTB of using methods of communication “trumpiennes” and broadcast from “fake news“. He referred to the PTB as “TikTok party

For John Pitseys (Ecolo), the possibility of exceeding the pension ceiling was not a decision “secret“. “Our pensions are the subject of public deliberation when we vote on the budget“. This being so, for the ecologist, it is necessary in spite of everything to suspend this possibility of overspending, before removing it. Just as, he adds, there must be a debate on the need to retain the payment of a parliamentary indemnity of 2,500 tax-exempt euros.Ecolo wants to remove this allowance“.

For Emmanuel De Bock (DéFI, majority), if he praised the work of the President of the Federal Parliament Eliane Tillieux (PS) who has “opened the lid on practices initiated by senior chamber officials“, he recalled that in Brussels, there was “no political slippage“and that a law firm mandated by parliament has revealed”no illegality“. He then referred to the PTB as a party of “manipulation“.

You are a danger to democracy

For Bianca Debaets (CD&V), the methods of the PTB are “condemnable and stupid“. “VYou hope to anger voters against mainstream parties and push them into your arms. But you forget that by doing this you are also pushing them into the arms of the far right.

For Marc-Jean Ghyssels (PS), “ce what is important is to really defend people, we do not defend them with easy and populist speeches. YOU (Editor’s note: the PTB) are a danger to democracy and a reinforcement for the right in all your actions.”

For Françoise De Smedt, PTB group leader, “we are happy to finally have a public debate on these questions, we are talking about bonus pensions, accumulation of pensions. We are not just talking about a parliamentarian’s pension as such. We are talking about a pension bonus system that the majority of workers do not have in our country. We talk about the lack of controls, the need for more transparency. What we are talking about are politicians who remain disconnected from the majority of workers. And we are here to serve the general interest. No, it’s not okay, that there are decisions taken in closed bodies, where the discussion is not public, in between, that we suddenly grant bonuses.

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