The Secret to Improving Memory: Bill Gates Reveals Ancient Technique

2024-02-11 03:51:04

Did you know that human memory can be improved regardless of age? The tycoon and one of the most important creators of Microsoft, Bill Gates, does know it, and at 68 years old he is one of the people with the best memory in the world. Here we reveal his secret to you.

William Henry Gates III, better known as Bill Gates, is one of the people responsible for creating one of the most famous and optimal computer operating systems in the world, Microsoft, in addition to other technological advances created by his intellect.

In addition to all the technology he has created and positioning himself as one of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates is also well known for the efficiency of his memory, especially on topics that are of interest to him.

To emphasize what memory is, speaking more objectively, it is the ability to store and remember information of any type optimally at any time in our lives, as mentioned by NeuronUP.

Likewise, Bill Gates himself has talked about his very efficient memory when it comes to remembering things, and he has even revealed his secret to working on this very important part of the brain.

Gates revealed through an article he published in the Gate Note the blog of Bill Gates how his obsession with improving his memory began. Although his memory was already good from the beginning, everything improved when Bill Gates discovered it and read the book ‹‹ Moonwalking with Einsteins: The art and science of remembering everything ››.

The magnate expresses in his blog that this book completely changed his perspective on memory, until that moment he did not know that it is a situation that can be worked on and improved.

Image credit: Futura Sciences

The book was written by a scientist named Joshua Foer, in it he tells us stories about how Foer himself delves into the still very unknown area of ​​science, the mind. His approach to this type of study led him to memory contests in the United States to study and analyze his participants.

Until those moments Foer thought that memories this good were a genetic product, it never occurred to him that it was an ability that can be trained and developed to the maximum. He discovered that the memory of any regular person can perform extremely difficult memory tasks when well trained.

Bill Gates tells us in his same blog that the information that Foer managed to gather during his research led him to discover the techniques that people use to train their minds, especially memory.

The secret to improving memory is to improve your visualization practice with a technique that comes from ancient Greece. This technique is based on visualizing solid images that contain the information you want to remember.

‹‹ A memory palace ›› is how Gates describes it, a phrase that literally means that you must imagine a palace, a house or rooms or any mental image that helps you remember something.

Bill Gates comments that this method comes from the story of a Greek poet, who after a collapse managed to remember the names of all the missing people just by imagining where they were sitting during the tragic event.

Finally, Gates comments that this is his secret for working on his memory, which he tries to practice every day to continue improving it. As Foer tells it in his book, he performed this technique for a year and in the end managed to win the United States memory championship and even break a record by memorizing an entire deck of cards.

This is not an easy task, Bill Gates emphasizes, it is something that represents effort and perseverance, days, weeks, months and even years of practice, however, the reward is worth it.

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