The Shocking Truth: Fernando Botero’s Paintings Exposing Human Rights Violations in Abu Ghraib Prison

2023-09-17 08:11:28

No public institution in the United States wanted to exhibit Fernando Botero’s paintings about the human rights violations of Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison. The complaints of an American soldier and the investigation of journalists Dan Rather, of the program 60 minutesand Seymour Hersch for The New Yorker, had brought to light the torture that, in the name of defending democracy, the military and members of the United States intelligence agencies had been committing against Iraqi prisoners. Rapes, attacks with dogs, simulated executions, threats of electrocution, mockery of their religious values, sodomization with sticks, among many other horrors, showed the hidden side of the war against terrorism.

#BOTERO #BERKELEY #Daniel #Coronell

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