The shocking video that shows an invasion of rats in a neighborhood of Andacollo

2023-05-11 01:08:03

The presence of rodents in urban areas usually generates panic among the neighbors and a great concern for the authorities that evaluate the health impact that these animals can generate in the population. This scenario is the one that is generated in sectors close to the Andacollo landfill.

A video shows how dozens of rats move towards the neighborhood area Cañadón de La Cabra and Cañadón del Durazno, at the entrance to the town. The scene seems to be taken from a movie, but it was recorded by a neighbor who decided to make public the situation that is generated every time there is a fire in the dump.

According to reports, it is the smoke that scares away rodents that seek shelter in populated places.

The situation would not be the first time and It constantly alarms the neighbors who denounce this type of burning in the dump, not only because of the presence of rodents, but also because the smoke reaches nearby homes.


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