The solitary man fell 2 times in 4 months and had multiple fractures and osteoporosis, becoming an invisible killer of the generation-Instant News-Free Health Network

The patient presented with a right hip fracture (yellow arrow) due to severe osteoporosis. (Photo by reporter Chen Jianzhi)

[Reporter Chen Jianzhi / Taichung Report]A 77-year-old man surnamed Lin who lives alone in Taichung has severe osteoporosis. He accidentally fell 4 months ago, resulting in a fracture of his left hip. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks due to inconvenience and severe lung infection. 3 weeks ago, the social worker visited the house and found that he had fallen to the ground. In addition to the right hip fracture, there were also lumbar compression fractures, right clavicle fractures, and right humerus fractures, as well as urinary tract infection and hypokalemia. Symptoms such as hyponatremia and hypocalcemia were successfully discharged from the hospital after consultation and treatment of orthopedics, internal medicine and rehabilitation, and follow-up continued to take medicine to treat osteoporosis.

Huang Zanwen, an orthopedic physician at Dali Renai Hospital, said that the old man surnamed Lin was a patient with a very high fracture risk. Because he did not usually take active treatment for osteoporosis, he fell twice within 4 months, causing 5 fractures in the left and right hip joints. and hospitalization with serious complications.

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Huang Zanwen pointed out that Taiwan has entered an aging society. According to data, about 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men in Taiwan over the age of 65 will have a spine, hip or wrist fracture in their lifetime. In addition, health insurance data also show that the 1-year mortality rate of women with hip fractures is 15%, and that of men is as high as 22%.

Osteoporosis is a problem that the public, their children and government units must face. Early prevention and treatment of osteoporosis can avoid fractures, complications, mortality and family financial burdens caused by severe bone loss. The public can consult orthopaedics in time. Physician, according to fracture risk status, to provide the most appropriate treatment.

Huang Zanwen said that osteoporosis causes fractures. In addition to surgical treatment, drug treatment of osteoporosis can also reduce bone loss, increase bone density, and reduce the incidence of fractures. Statistics show that the regularity of patients taking medication is very important to bone health. Compared with patients who continue to use medication, patients who discontinue medication on their own have a higher proportion of fractures.

Huang Zanwen also suggested that in addition to drug treatment, patients with osteoporosis should also strengthen the intake of calcium and vitamin D in the diet and develop the habit of regular exercise. 15 minutes of sun exposure a day can synthesize enough vitamin D from the skin, and exercise can promote muscle strength, flexibility and coordination.

An old man surnamed Lin (left) in Taichung suffered severe osteoporosis and broke 5 bones within 4 months. Huang Zanwen (right), an orthopedic physician at Dali Renai Hospital, reminded patients with osteoporosis that in addition to drug treatment, calcium and vitamins in their diet should also be strengthened D intake, and develop regular exercise habits. (Photo by reporter Chen Jianzhi)

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