The Strawberry Diet: Lose Weight and Stay Healthy with the Power of Strawberries

2023-08-07 22:03:34

Fresh strawberries are a real hit, especially in summer! Strawberry tarts and strawberries with cream are among the tempting delights of the hot season. But if you enjoy the healthy fruits without cream and cake, you will discover a perfect tool for losing weight. Strawberries are mostly water and very low in calories. They are fat and cholesterol free. They also contain little fructose and carbohydrates. We’ll tell you how you can achieve your desired figure with the strawberry diet.

In the video: 5 things you didn’t know about strawberries

Are Strawberries Healthy?

Once you start, the next moment the bowl is empty. No, we’re not talking about chips, we’re talking about a small, addictive dummy fruit called a strawberry. But don’t worry: the sweet summer fruits are not only delicious, but fortunately they are too very healthy.

Although strawberries are 90 percent water, they contain a lot of nutrients that are important for your body. Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges and lemons. 200 grams already cover the average daily requirement of an adult. In addition, strawberries contain a considerable amount of minerals and contain trace elements. From potassium, iron and zinc to magnesium, calcium and folate – there is hardly anything that strawberries don’t have to offer. The secondary Pflanzenstoff Polyphenolthat supports the body’s immune system? Has the strawberry! Important antioxidantsthat offer protection against free radicals? In the strawberry! fiber, which cause a small increase in blood sugar after eating? You guessed it: part of the strawberry. So it’s no problem if the huge strawberry bowl is quickly emptied. Your body thanks you.

How many calories are in strawberries?

Healthy is good and beautiful. But we are more interested in them calories, because we want to know if strawberries are good for losing weight. Strawberries are perfect for one conscious nutritionbecause per 100 grams they only contain approx 32 calories. The same amount of apple comes to 61, banana even to around 90 calories. The fact is: losing weight with strawberries is not that difficult.

How do strawberries affect your body in general?

What we eat has an impact on our bodies and our well-being. You can’t go wrong with strawberries, not only in terms of calories. The strawberry, best regional and bio bought, with its ingredients ensures that we go through life healthy and happy.

Positive effect on the blood vessels: The phytochemicals in strawberries dilate the blood vessels and thus contribute to Lowering blood pressure at. In particular, the antioxidant anthocyanin, which is responsible for the bright red of the strawberry, ensures that the tasty fruit prevents heart disease and strokes.Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial: Could be in the package insert of a drug, but also applies to strawberries. The berries contain catechins that bind heavy metals from the environment in the human body. These have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.Good for connective tissue and bones: The vitamin C in the strawberry not only supports the immune function of the body, but also ensures the development of connective tissue and strengthens Bone and Teeth.Dehydration of the body: Especially in summer we struggle with fluid accumulations in the tissues, which lead to heavy legs. The heat dilates our blood vessels, which slows blood circulation and causes water to leak through the vein walls into the surrounding tissue. The result: swollen feet and legs. Due to their high potassium content, strawberries have a dehydrating effect and remove uric acid. Her purifying effect makes the strawberry the perfect diet fruit. So: Strawberries in, water out!Fight the free radicals: If you have bad skin, you can use a portion of strawberries in summer. The antioxidants, the vitamin C and the salicylic acid in the sweet fruit fight free radicals and stimulate cell renewal. Strawberries can help prevent inflammation, such as pimples.Inner peace and relaxation: In stressful times, strawberries can help you find inner peace. That contained in the strawberry Vitamin Folate provides people with optimism, serenity and a good night’s sleep.

Why are strawberries great for losing weight?

So many good ingredients are not only healthy, they also make the strawberry the best The focus of a calorie-conscious diet. Losing weight with strawberries is a good plan for a number of reasons. Because of their high water content, strawberries only have about 4 calories per piece, despite the sugar.

The contained vitamin C and the antioxidants stimulate the metabolism and promote the fat burning. Dietary fibers such as pectin regulate the processing of sugar and keep blood sugar levels low. If we eat strawberries, we are full longer afterwards and cravings don’t stand a chance. The high fiber content also ensures healthy digestion, in which nutrients are well absorbed and waste products are better processed. In addition, strawberries increase the level of the hormone adiponectin, which regulates the feeling of hunger in the body.

How does the strawberry diet work?

So just eat strawberries for days? Of course not! In the strawberry diet It’s not about switching your entire diet to strawberries. You’d have to eat tons of the red fruit to meet your recommended calorie intake. Besides, there would be one unbalanced diet harmful and solves the dreaded after the end of the diet Yo-Yo Effect out of.

Nothing speaks against occasional strawberry detox days. Otherwise, it makes more sense to integrate the fruit into the diet and replace other foods with strawberries. Strawberries are a particularly good way to curb cravings for sweets. As healthy snack they are better suited than high-calorie fruits such as apples or mangoes. So simply replace the banana with strawberries in breakfast muesli and you’ve saved a few calories again. But strawberries also score well in combination with savory foods. How about strawberries with asparagus, for example?

Losing weight with strawberries: the tastiest recipes

Make the strawberry diet balanced: That’s how it works

The most important thing about a diet is that you don’t get bored. If you only have to eat the same thing over and over again, you won’t last long. Lose weight only works if the diet is varied and fun. Instead of the porridge in the morning, you can also use the strawberries in a delicious smoothie. Strawberries are delicious in a salad, but would a fried chicken with strawberry and thyme sauce work? Just try it.

It is important that all nutrient groups are taken into account. Meat or legumes must be part of the diet as well as healthy fats in the form of nuts or olive oil. Be bold and throw some strawberries on your avocado bread. You will be amazed at how well strawberries harmonize with a wide variety of foods.

Conclusion on the strawberry diet

Finally a diet that is also suitable for those with a sweet tooth. The fruity sweetness of the strawberries wonderfully replaces the piece of chocolate in the afternoon. Because that’s the only way the strawberry diet works: The red fruits should not be the only part of the menu, but one low calorie alternative for other foods. Cleverly integrated into the daily meal plan, strawberries with their healthy ingredients not only ensure a balanced diet, but also the perfect bikini figure. But we have that anyway.

Can you lose weight with strawberries?

Strawberries have many properties that help with weight loss. 100 grams contain only about 32 calories. Vitamin C and antioxidants stimulate the metabolism and promote fat burning. Fiber keeps blood sugar levels low. This prevents food cravings.

Do Strawberries Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Strawberries keep you full for a long time and boost your metabolism. A high concentration of polyphenols strengthens fat burning. The pectin it contains stimulates intestinal activity and ensures healthy digestion. Strawberries are therefore fat killers and can make the stomach disappear.

Are strawberries good in the evening?

Strawberries are healthy and make a great healthy snack. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should avoid eating strawberries just before bed, as fruit can lead to heartburn and digestive problems at night. Nevertheless, the bowl of strawberries in the evening is still better than the bag of chips.

How many strawberries can you eat per day?

Basically, eating a large amount of strawberries has no harmful effect on the body. Excessive consumption of the fructose it contains can cause stomach problems in sensitive people. Fruit acid also attacks tooth enamel. So don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards.

Can I eat 20 strawberries a day?

Not only can you, you should too. Strawberries are a low-calorie snack and, thanks to many healthy ingredients, belong in every balanced diet plan. If you don’t have an intolerance or are sensitive to fructose, there’s nothing wrong with a large bowl of strawberries a day.

What organs are strawberries good for?

Strawberries contain many healthy ingredients. Antioxidants ensure healthy skin and strengthen the heart. They increase blood flow, which helps the brain focus. Vitamin C supports the connective tissue and makes bones and teeth resistant. The folate contained in strawberries also has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

#sweet #seduction #lose #weight

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