“The Success of the First NFL Game on German Soil: Massive Financial Impact on Munich”

2023-05-03 11:56:17

The first NFLgame on German soil was not only a success for the fans…

As the football league announced today, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ game with quarterback superstar Tom Brady against the Seattle Seahawks (21:16) had an enormous financial impact on the city of Munich.

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A study conducted by The Sports Consultancy Group confirmed that the game had an overall economic impact of €70.2 million for the city, of which €32.2 million was direct spending.

According to this, NFL fans would have spent an average of 333 euros per day in Munich on the game weekend. Far above the average, which is 225 euros per day for tourists.

Brady was celebrated by German fans

Foto: Getty Images

Alexander Steinforth, NFL Germany boss, said: “The game in Munich was a significant moment for the NFL in Germany that will be remembered by the spectators in the stadium and by spectators from around the world for many years to come. The economic and social impact of our first regular season game is impressive and underscores the positive contribution the game has made to the city of Munich and beyond, and we look forward to playing more games in this country in the years to come.”

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter: “It was an honor for us to welcome the National Football League to Germany for their first regular season game in Munich and we are pleased with the economic and social impact, particularly on our tourism and hospitality industry.”

The game on November 13 was watched by around 8.2 million viewers worldwide. It was also the most-watched international game in the United States, with more than 5.8 million viewers, and also broke records for game-day merchandise. Never before has there been as much turnover for an NFL game outside of the USA as in the Allianz Arena.

Two NFL games will be held in Germany this year, this time in Frankfurt. As BILD reported in February, the Kansas City Chiefs will play the Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots will play the New Orleans Saints. The dates are November 12th and 19th. The official schedule will be presented in the coming days.

In 2024, the NFL will stop in Munich again. Then, according to BILD information, the Carolina Panthers will play against the Kansas City Chiefs. Whether there will be a second game is still open.

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