The Surprising Link Between Long Naps and Obesity: Findings from a Spanish Study

2023-06-18 16:23:00

A team of Spanish researchers recently made a rather surprising discovery: there is a link between long naps and obesity. Published in April 2023 and conducted on more than 3,000 Spaniards from the city of Murcia, this study relayed by Interesting Engineering revealed that those who took naps longer than 30 minutes “had a 2% higher body mass index, a 23% higher risk of obesity, and a 40% higher risk of metabolic syndrome.”

“Long naps are associated with increased metabolic syndrome body mass index, triglycerides, glucose and blood pressure”, advance in the columns of Euronews Marta Garaulet, author of the study and professor of physiology at the University of Murcia. “In contrast, when the nap is short, we find that it is associated with a decreased likelihood of having high blood pressure; in a way, the siesta therefore becomes protective.”

The risks are also very present in the hot regions of the globe because previous studies have shown that “the nap genes were activated by the heat.” “Summer temperatures activate the PER3 gene, which is the nap gene”emphasizes Marta Garaulet. “Some people don’t have a nap gene, but if they do, it can be turned on in hot regions, and you’ll feel sleepy during the day.”

A beneficial activity

However, if you are a big nap, don’t panic: the authors of the study simply recommend sleeping a little shorter and, if possible, somewhere other than in your bed. “There is a positive association between short naps and improved blood pressure, especially if you sleep in an armchair or on a sofa, and not in a bed,” continues Marta Garaulet.

In addition, many other studies have shown how beneficial the nap is, first because it allows us to regain energy but also because it has a lot of cognitive benefits. With age, a small nap in the afternoon would even allow to have a better mental flexibility and a better immune system.

#long #naps #affect #weight

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