The surprising role of our microbiota on our sports performance

2023-07-01 19:00:00

This is a seriously explored track as the bacteria contained in our intestine are involved in the availability of nutrients or in the regulation of our energy metabolism.

“We now know that there are real dialogues between the intestinal microbiota, muscle and adipose tissue, explains Nathalie Boisseau, professor of sports physiology at the University of Clermont-Auvergne. For example, intense physical activity brings the body to produce a particular metabolite, lactic acidlikely to disturb the pH of the body, which in turn regulates the bacterial diversity of our intestine.” Physical activity also leads to a modification of the immune system, blood flow and hormonal secretions which could interact with the microbiota.

Probiotics before sports competitions?

Studies have shown that transferring gut microbiota from trained mice to sedentary mice allows them to run longer. And conversely, we know thatpoor microbiota and little diversity harms the cardio-respiratory performance. Should champions be regularly supplemented with probiotics before competitions? An experiment carried out in 2019 demonstrated that a six-week cure made it possible to improve the maximum capacities of poorly trained subjects. But it is impossible to conclude that it would be the same with professional athletes because “the direct causal link with taking probiotics alone is difficult to establish”, notes the specialist. Eating a balanced diet, taking the time to recuperate physically and sleeping well remain the best guarantees of a diverse microbiota and good performance.

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