The tea that eliminates insomnia and helps you sleep better

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, in which it is difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. When a person has a problem of this type, he will not rest, which leads to tiredness and exhaustion.

There are two types of insomnia, the first is acute, which usually lasts days or a few weeks. derived from a moment of stress, family pressures or traumatic events, depending on Medline PlusUS National Library of Medicine website.

The second is chronic and usually lasts more than a month, in most cases, it is a symptom of another condition. They can also be a side effect of another problem, such as taking medication, caffeine, or using tobacco or alcohol.

To diagnose insomnia, the specialist will have to corroborate the sleeping habits that each person has and, depending on it, it will explain which ones need to be changed. For example, the use of the computer, the cell phone or other screens before going to sleep at night can affect the sleep cycle.

Likewise, it is possible to ask the specialist for some natural remedies that help you sleep better and, therefore, reduce conditions such as insomnia. Among these homemade instruments are, for example, teas.

1. Lavender: an infusion of lavender can bring positive results. It is advisable to prepare a tea with its flowers and consume it before going to sleep.this will help the body to relax and it will be easier to fall asleep.

2. Chamomile: One of the greatest benefits of chamomile tea is when you drink it at night, because according to the portal better with health, This infusion “is one of the most widely used beverages to complement the treatment of insomnia. Not only does it help you sleep better, but its calming properties reduce anxiety and stress.”.

3. Lemon Balm: It is a very healthy drink that, in addition to improving sleep, helps reduce stress, indigestion, anxiety and can help heal cold sores faster. If combined with other herbal teas, such as chamomile and valerian, it can enhance its sleep-inducing properties.

4. Passionflower Leaf: It is a plant with a great sedative power. In addition, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recognized its anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic properties. This helps you treat anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

5. Valerian: It is a plant whose root contains essential oils with sedative and relaxing effects that help reduce nervousness and agitation, as well as helping to fall asleep and make it more restful. Although there are no studies that prove its benefits when sleeping, it may work in some people.

6. St. John’s Wort: It is usually a plant widely used to treat depressive problems, however, it can also be used for anxiety and insomnia. The hypericin and hyperforin that this herb contains are what help to relax the nervous system.

To prepare each of these teas, water must be boiled together with the chosen herb. Wait until it reaches its boiling point, turn off the heat and let it rest for a few minutes. Serve and consume at night, before going to sleep.

It should be noted that, before consuming any supplement to reduce or treat insomnia, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to affect pre-existing diseases or develop new pathologies in the body.

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