The Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Rare Old Coins in Egypt

2023-11-18 02:24:00

Many individuals love collecting old currencies, whether rare metal or paper, and keeping them as a precious memory in their homes. Some of these rare currencies, which have passed for many years until they have become rare, are difficult to obtain, and their value may be very high. When they are found, These rare coins become a treasure that can be sold for huge sums of money.

Old coins

Recently, buying and selling of ancient currencies has been on the rise, with many people taking advantage of this market and making huge profits.

The value of old paper currencies varies according to their rarity and condition. For example, all coins issued during the reign of King Farouk are required to be purchased in the old currency market. It is known that paper currencies wear out faster than coins, and therefore their availability is less, which increases their value.

Paper shilling

Regarding the paper shilling with the Egyptian state written on it, which was issued in the last year of King Farouk’s reign, its price can reach 40 thousand pounds depending on its condition, and the value of the briza coin with the same word written on it is also similar.

Sultan Fouad Real

As for the “Sultan Fouad Riyal” coin, it has witnessed an increase in its value in the recent period, as its price reached 80 thousand pounds. The date of issuance of the coin is stipulated to be the year 1920 and for the name “Sultan Fouad” to be written on it.

Although the half pound continues to be circulated in Egyptian markets, the demand for it is increasing by some ancient currency dealers, and its value has reached approximately 100 thousand Egyptian pounds. Merchants are seeking to obtain the old denominations of this currency, which bear the image of Abu The hole is in the middle or on the left side, where these categories are the most valuable.

There are places for selling old coins in several areas in Egypt. Shops are designated for this purpose in streets such as Al-Alfi, Emad El-Din, and Khan Al-Khalili in central Cairo, and they operate seven days a week.

Places that sell old coins in Egypt

For citizens who own old currencies in Egypt, whether paper or metal, they can sell them through several means, including:

Websites dedicated to buying and selling old currencies. People can photograph the currency they wish to sell and display it on these sites, where currencies are purchased through online auctions. The famous social networking site Facebook, where there are many pages and groups specialized in buying and selling old currencies. There are some stores that specialize in buying rare old coins inside Egypt, especially in Cairo and Alexandria. In Cairo, these stores are concentrated in the downtown area, including Imad al-Din, Al-Alfi, and Khan al-Khalili streets. As for Alexandria, stores can be found in areas such as Khaled Street. Bin Al-Walid, Al-Manshiya, Al-Attarin, and Raml Station.

In the end, there are several options available for selling old currencies in Egypt, whether through websites or through specialized stores and social media pages.

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