The Ultimate Guide to Coriander: Benefits, Recipes, and Health Tips

2024-03-26 08:45:00

It is a neglected herb found in every kitchen, characterized by its strong smell. It is considered one of the famous spices used in preparing delicious dishes in various countries of the world, due to its smart aromatic smell, delicious taste, and countless health benefits.

Dried coriander seeds contain essential oil that is used as a flavor or medicine, and the seeds themselves are used as a spice similar to cumin and caraway, and their seeds are used to add flavor to many foods and have many health benefits. According to a report published by the “Bold Sky” website concerned with health affairs, “ Coriander, which no kitchen is devoid of, is a herbal plant that sweeps toxins out of the body, protecting it from many diseases.

Coriander helps in purifying the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It helps in purifying the liver of fats, enhances kidney functions, prevents the formation of kidney stones, and maintains a moderate level of sugar in this herbal plant. It has countless benefits, as it is rich in minerals that help purify the body of Toxins, it also attracts heavy metals from the bloodstream and purifies internal organs and tissues.

There are several ways to make the most of coriander.

Coriander water

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to eat coriander. You can boil a bunch of fresh coriander in 2 cups of pure water for 15 minutes, then filter it into a bottle, and drink cold water throughout the day. We repeat this for several days, and we will notice a big difference in the health of the body. This drink is effective for kidney health.

Coriander and lemon soup

This is another delicious way to eat cilantro. This soup is easy to prepare by boiling a fresh bunch of coriander in one cup of water for 15 minutes, then mix the ingredients well after adding a little cooking cream, salt, pepper and lemon. You can also add a little starch to get a thick consistency for the soup, which is best eaten hot. .

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