These 3 types of meat are the premium tonics of Eastern medicine

The biggest enemy of women is aging, because it is the root of all problems: Old age, disease, excess fat… Therefore, the older women are, the more they try to fast, especially to reduce their food intake. meat in order to slow down aging. However, not all types of meat are harmful to health. There are even some types of meat that are very familiar, but are the “superior tonic” of Eastern medicine. These meats are all very suitable for women after the age of 40.

It turns out that these 3 types of meat are the “premium tonics” of Eastern medicine

1. Duck meat

The first type of meat considered by Oriental medicine to be a “superior tonic” is duck meat.

General practitioner Bui Dac Sang, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology said: “In Oriental medicine, duck meat has a sweet, slightly salty taste, has a cooling effect, has a yin effect, is nourishing, and has beneficial effects. good in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and cancer…”.

In ancient medical documents, duck meat is a top-class tonic, has the effect of regulating the five internal organs, taking advantage of water, excepting heat, and nourishing damage. In Ly Thoi Tran’s Manuscripts of Manuscripts, it is also said that: Duck meat cures urinary diseases, heat diseases, tuberculosis, and nourishes the five organs and waterways.

From the familiar ingredient of duck meat, we can process it into medicines and dishes with effective treatment.

– People with anemia, body weakness

Ingredients: A duck, big apple, humiliation, ginkgo, all 3 medicines take 49 fruits, 3g ginseng.

Method: Clean duck, remove seeds, soak hummus, remove skin and lotus heart, ginkgo skin and intestines, sliced ​​ginseng. Use wine, soy sauce and oil to sweep the skin and belly of the duck, then put all 4 spices in the duck’s belly, sew it up, stew it and eat it.

– Edema, used for cases of fluid retention in the body

Ingredients: 1 male duck, 100g plain rice.

Method: Clean duck, cook until soft, continue to cook rice until it becomes porridge, add 3 smashed onions. Eat hot when hungry.

These 3 types of products are the main products of Dong y-Hinh-2

– Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, edema, little urination

Ingredients: One duck, 200g red beans, 10g cardamom, raw onions.

How to make: Duck cleaned, ground red beans soaked in soft, pureed cardamom, mix well and put in duck’s belly, sew up, put water to simmer, add onions, don’t add salt, then eat will promote its use very good cure.

– High blood pressure, headache, dizziness

Ingredients: 100g duck meat cook for 30 minutes, 30g weight beans, 30g white wood ear.

Method: Add the ingredients and cook for another 15 minutes and then eat.

2. Rabbit meat

In Oriental medicine, rabbit meat is sweet, average, and effective in nourishing the body and treating diabetes. Women who eat rabbit meat can get many health benefits.

– Stabilize blood sugar: Goji berry 15g, rabbit meat 250g. Put in the pot and pour the stew water over low heat until the rabbit is cooked, then add seasoning… Eat once a day, use every 10 days.

These 3 types of products are the main products of Dong y-Hinh-3

– Treatment of weakness after illness: Prepare rabbit meat 200g, finely chopped, steamed or cooked with jujube (20g), served hot. Eat once a day or every other day, every 10 days is a course. You can take a few days off and then continue until you recover.

– Nutrition for pregnant women and fetuses: Rabbit meat contains a relatively high amount of calcium and phosphorus, which can develop the fetal nervous system and improve pregnant women’s health. Pregnant women can prepare dishes from rabbit meat that will have a nourishing effect on the fetus.

These 3 types of products are the main products of Dong y-Hinh-4

– Blood supplement: Rabbit meat contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is very necessary for people with anemia, to nourish the nervous system. In addition, rabbit meat also contains a lot of iron, vitamin B … extremely good for the elderly, postpartum women. Anemic people can eat rabbit meat dishes to improve, such as fried rabbit meat with chili pepper, grilled rabbit meat, rabbit meat with wine sauce, fried rabbit.

3. Pigeon meat

According to Oriental medicine, pigeon meat is average, salty, rich in nutrition, fragrant, sweet, and is a good food for the elderly, children, sick people and pregnant women.

These 3 types of products are the main products of Dong y-Hinh-5

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pigeon meat has the use of nourishing the liver, nourishing the kidneys, oxygenating, clearing heat, detoxifying, nourishing the body… so it is very suitable for chronic diseases, liver and kidney failure. , dizziness, low back and knee pain, qi and blood loss, amenorrhea, menorrhagia…

Pigeon meat is rich in nutrients. If you increase your intake of this meat, you can nourish your brain, enhance memory, prevent arteriosclerosis, promote blood circulation, and at the same time increase the vitality of skin cells, enhance skin elasticity. It should be effective in slowing down aging and beautifying the skin.

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