These fruits keep you healthy

2023-08-07 10:24:27

Consuming two fruits regularly would make it possible to protect against bone fragility.

What is bone fragility?

“Fragility is a clinical syndrome. It reflects a decrease in physiological reserve capacities which alters the mechanisms of adaptation to stress. Its clinical expression is modulated by comorbidities and psychological, social, economic and behavioral factors. The frailty syndrome is a marker of the risk of mortality and pejorative events, in particular disabilities, falls, hospitalization and entry into an institution. Age is a major determinant of frailty but does not on its own explain this syndrome”, details the French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SFGG) in a definition adopted in 2011.

In the United States, American researchers from the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Research on Aging in Boston have been interested in brittle bone syndrome. According to them, regular consumption of two fruits would help reduce the risk of developing frailty syndrome. As part of this study, they followed 1701 people for twelve years. They were suffering from fragile bones.

Tea, wine, chocolate, fruit

Results ? Scientists have found that people who consume flavonoids had less risk of premature aging and frailty syndrome than the others. These are found in tea, red wine, chocolate and some fruits.

Those that contain the most are apples and berries. “The data suggests that there may be particular subclasses of flavonoids that have the most potential as a dietary strategy for the prevention of frailty,” reports Professor Shivani Sahni, in charge of the study.

#fruits #healthy

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