these little-known symptoms could occur while eating

Several symptoms of esophageal cancer could occur when eating. It is therefore essential to know them in order to react as quickly as possible and consequently avoid complications.

Small details can sometimes put the flea in the ear. According to experts, several symptoms of esophageal cancer could occur when eating. It is therefore essential to pay attention to it in order to react as soon as possible. The first is difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, which can lead to coughing or choking. The affected person may also feel like they have food stuck in their throat or chest.

Heartburn is also one of the symptoms of this disease. If a person experiences it almost every day for three weeks or more, they are strongly advised to see a doctor. Feelings of indigestion could also be a sign. Concretely, food can be brought back following these symptoms, sometimes through the nose, in the form of acid reflux. It causes a sour and unpleasant taste in the mouth and nasal passages.

VIDEO – Dr Christian Recchia: “We never cure cancer, we live with it”

A loss of appetite

As experts explain, unexplained weight loss, coupled with loss of appetite, could also be a sign of esophageal cancer. About half of sufferers experience it, a phenomenon that could be linked to difficulty swallowing. Finally, pain behind the sternum, felt particularly when swallowing, should not be taken lightly and can turn out to be a “red flag”. The pain can also be felt in the back or between the shoulder blades.

As a reminder, the exact cause of esophageal cancer is not known but smoking, alcohol, obesity and poor diet can increase the risk. It is the third most common digestive cancer in France after colorectal and stomach cancer, with 5,445 new cases per year.

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