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With a dark red brown color, sweet taste and long shelf life, many of us would like to include dried plums in their diet every day. While this the fruit It may be known to help with constipation, but it has many more uses, according to nutritionists.

One serving (40 grams) of dried prunes provides 3 grams of fiber and 6% of the recommended daily value for potassium, without any added sugar.

In addition, they contain boron, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, vitamin K and many other nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.

So, if you’re a fan of dried prunes everyday and are committed to eating this delicious fruit every day, here are some benefits you can try, reports Eat this Not That.

bone strengthening

Eating dried prunes every day prevents hip bone loss and increases fracture risk in postmenopausal women, according to a recent study conducted at Penn State University.

The study revealed that women who ate 50 grams of fruit (5 to 6 berries) daily for 12 months maintained their hip bone mineral density at 6 and 12 months of age, while the total hip bone density decreased among those who did not eat dried prunes daily at same time.

Dried Peach (Shutterstock)

This delicious fruit contains many nutrients that support bone health, including vitamin K, magnesium, calcium and boron.
In addition, they contain phenolic compounds, which may inhibit bone resorption and support bone formation.

Beneficial for the digestive system

In parallel, prunes are not only a source of fiber, but they also contain a natural laxative called sorbitol, which can provide some relief from constipation for some people.

Dried Peach (Shutterstock)

Dried Peach (Shutterstock)

Heart health benefits

Eating 5 to 6 grains a day can increase “good” HDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and increase antioxidant activity, all of which are positive when it comes to supporting heart health.

The data also showed that eating pectin, a soluble fiber found in foods like prunes, slows down the thickening of artery walls caused by plaque formation, another positive result when supporting heart health.

Dried Peach (Shutterstock)

Dried Peach (Shutterstock)

You feel full

Although most fruits contain natural sugars, eating these nutritious foods has been linked to weight loss, in part because the fiber they provide makes you feel full.

Peaches contain 3 grams of fiber per serving, and eating them daily may help curb appetite, thus supporting your weight loss goal.

blood sugar control

Also, eating peaches is likely to lead to a more stable blood glucose response, thanks to its lower glycemic index and fiber content.

As long as you eat it in moderation, including it in a diabetes-friendly diet can be a plus that likely won’t lead to any negative effects when it comes to blood sugar management.

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