these Mayenne people who have passed between the epidemic drops, never contaminated, never contact

The 5th wave in less than two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, perhaps the last one said the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. We want to believe it, everyone is fed up with this virus and the restrictions that go with it. This 5th epidemic wave, Pierrette and Vincent end up living it like the others. The first, who lives in Ménil, in South Mayenne, and the second, who lives in the greater Laval area, do not fear it more than the first four. They are obviously very careful with their daily actions and for the moment their precautions are working since they have never been contaminated, they have never been in contact, they have never felt the symptoms of the disease. (cough, fatigue, headaches etc …). These Mayennais have passed between the epidemic drops.

“Maybe I have some good antibodies”

“I don’t know what it means to have a cold, a flu for two years. So much the better. From the start, I was very strict with myself and others. Maybe a form. of fear. I didn’t go out except to go to work and then I am not allowed to do anything, I do not want to take any risk “ Explain Pierrette, an assistant in Ménil, who has her complete vaccination schedule.

Vincent is still astonished today to never have been sick. However, this driver should not have escaped it, he himself recognizes it. : “And yet I met people because I was working during confinement. I never stopped. I worked with truckers from many European countries and I told myself every time I was going to nab it. And then nothing. Maybe I have some good antibodies. “ Vincent’s companion may also have reinforced antibodies, she works as a security guard in the markets or in the football stadiums in the region, in Laval and Rennes and, like Vincent, she has always gone to through the drops of the virus.

Epidemiologist and member of the Scientific Council, Arnaud Fontanet believes that the peak of the fifth wave of Covid is expected to occur in mid-January. “The more time passes, the less painful the waves will be “, according to the scientist and “to term”, the_ _“Sars-CoV-2 will join other human seasonal coronaviruses that give us colds and tonsillitis every winter.” Most “we are not there yet”, he warns.

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