This incredible flying electric car could be yours soon!

2023-07-11 07:30:00

Armada Model Zero, this incredible flying electric car, has been granted a special certificate of airworthiness by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This certificate allows this aircraft to be tested in specific locations.

For decades, futurists have dreamed of flying cars, but real-world progress has been limited. Today, a company has come closer to that vision. In fact, the Federal Aviation Administration granted Alef permission to test drive his Armada Model Zero sports car. This prototype can switch from driving mode to flight mode, like a drone, and take off directly in the air.

This incredible flying car has received airworthiness certification

The Californian company Alef Aeronautics has built an incredible electric flying car dubbed the Armada Model Zero. It is sort of a Model A precursor prototypeannounced in 2022.

Alef Aeronautics claims that this flying car is the first to be certified by the FAA. Indeed, similar models that have been approved in recent years can fly, but cannot be driven on ordinary roads or in parking lots.

According to Jim Dukhovny, CEO of Alef, obtaining this approval from the FAA “marks another step towards faster and more environmentally friendly travel. This vehicle allows save precious time both for individuals and for businesses.

In fact, on its website, the company touts this electric flying car’s ability to avoid traffic and fly in any direction.

Low speed flying electric car

At first glance, the Armada Model Zero looks like an ordinary car. But hidden beneath its mesh exterior are eight rotors – four in the back and four in the front where the motor would normally be.

These allow the vehicle to take off and land vertically, much like a drone or helicopter, without the need for a long runway. Even more, this eVTOLe can drive up to 320 km on public roads. On the other hand, once in the air, it has a 176 km flight range. Alef said this aircraft is a low-speed vehicle. It will not be able to go faster than approximately 40 km/h.

Suspended in the center of the carbon fiber frame, the cabin can accommodate up to two people. In addition, it rests on a pivoting platform called a “gimbal”. Once in the air, the entire vehicle frame rotates sideways 90 degrees.

Deliveries of Alef Aeronautics’ Model A are expected to begin in late 2025. It costs $300,000 for pre-order.

Note that in addition to Alef Aeronautics, there are other contenders for the title of flying car approved for public use. These include Volkswagen’s Flying Tiger prototype and Klein Vision’s AirCar, which obtained an airworthiness certificate in Slovakia last year. Michael Cole, President of Hyundai Motor Europe, has previously said he believes flying cars will be in our cities by 2030.

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