Tips for Feeling Full for a Long Time: Healthy Diet and Strategies for Weight Loss

2023-07-20 17:00:00

I wrote- Noura Tariq Thursday, July 20, 2023 08:00 PM

Many people seek to lose their extra pounds by following healthy diet It is free of fat, and in small quantities, which causes a feeling of hunger most of the time, which causes a decrease in the person’s resolve and a return to overeating, and to avoid that, we review in this report, tips for feeling full for a long time, according to the eatthis website.

Tips for feeling full for a long time

Add a piece of meat on top of the green salads

You must follow a healthy diet that includes a plate of green salad full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and if the salad lacks basic carbohydrates that provide energy to nourish the mind and muscles or protein that helps to feel full, it is preferable to add a lot of green salads and a piece of grilled or boiled meat on top of it so that the person feels that the plate is full of food.

Tips for feeling full for a long time when losing weight

Drinking water

You should drink a lot of water, as this helps to fill the stomach and feel full for a long time, and reduce the food that the person eats, so it is advised to drink water before eating.

Tips for feeling full for a long time

Divide food into smaller pieces

The results of a study conducted by Arizona State University indicate that food should be cut into smaller pieces, as researchers found that when people ate a whole cake cut into small pieces at breakfast, they consumed 25% fewer calories at lunch.

Feeling full

Eat slowly

Eating a full meal in 5 minutes makes a person feel hungry because it takes 20 minutes for the signal to reach from the stomach to the brain. Instead, the person must eat slowly for 20 minutes until the hunger hormones transmit the message to the brain, and then the person feels full.


Foods rich in fiber help to feel full, so it is recommended to eat leafy vegetables, especially artichokes, because their average size contains up to 40% of the daily amount of fiber needed by the body.


Warm spices help maintain blood glucose levels during fasting, and according to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, when blood glucose levels are stable for a period, the body will not stimulate the secretion of the hunger hormone, so it is recommended to sprinkle cinnamon on yogurt, oatmeal, or popcorn.

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