Tips for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome during Ramadan

“Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: During the month of Ramadan, many questions are raised about the possibility of Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients fasting, and the foods that should be avoided or focused on to ensure that there is no irritation and acute pain in the colon.

Irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome is the most common disease among the functional diseases of the digestive system, and according to nutritionist Doaa Shaaban, eating unhealthy foods and psychological stress are among the most important causes of this syndrome.

This syndrome is accompanied by several symptoms, a patient with irritable bowel may develop flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, and severe pain due to the spasms that accompany this irritation.

The nutritionist, Doaa Shaaban, explained to the “RT site” that IBS patients in the month of Ramadan have a great opportunity to give the body and intestines rest, and relieve the symptoms of the syndrome, by fasting and following a healthy diet, in addition to understanding the mechanism of eating in this month.

Shaaban stressed the importance of dividing meals between Iftar and Suhoor for several meals, to avoid any intestinal disturbances, and not to drink large amounts of water during food, so as not to affect the digestion of food.

Shaaban identified a list of foods that Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients should refrain from during the month of Ramadan: such as lactose found in milk, foods rich in fat such as frying pans and ready-made sweets, garlic, onions, legumes and cereals containing gluten, broccoli, cabbage or cabbage, and stressed the importance of reducing Hot spices and citrus to avoid digestive upsets, and to stay away from stress.

While Shaaban emphasized the introduction of several nutrients that contribute to the comfort of the digestive system and help to get rid of toxins, such as eating more fiber, whole grains and fruits that help get rid of constipation associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but in the case of diarrhea, the patient must control the quantities he eats of fruit.

Shaaban pointed out the importance of choosing drinks during the month of Ramadan and not drinking soft drinks and industrial juices and replacing them with soothing drinks such as: mint, caraway, star anise, fennel, sage, chamomile, ginger and green tea.

Shaaban explained the necessity of introducing probiotics or beneficial bacteria into the diet during the month of Ramadan, as probiotics help achieve a balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the digestive system. They are sold in pharmacies.

Shaaban recommended fasting people not to lie down completely, directly after breakfast or suhoor to avoid reflux in esophagus and heartburn, and stressed the importance of drinking water gradually after breakfast.

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