Top 10 answers to the big questions we ask ourselves about food

Today, there is no question of giving my opinion on the depressing foods where the best reheated meals. No, today, I offer you a purely objective and informative top to answer the questions you have always asked yourself about food. Food will no longer have any secrets for you, and you will look at your crackers with a whole new eye when you eat breakfast tomorrow.

1. What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

Come on, let’s repeat it once and for all: the fruit and the vegetable are not exactly opposites. Fruits are the edible products of flowering plants (roughly). Vegetables do not have a very precise definition, but we can say that it is all the edible parts of vegetable plants. As a result, among the vegetables, we can count leaves, roots, seeds, stems, flowers… but also fruits. This is why the tomato is BOTH a fruit and a vegetable. The debate is closed.

2. Why is what’s really good rarely good for your body?

Let’s put the question another way: why do we like to eat fat and sugar so much when it’s not super good for our body? Well, the most likely explanation is that our bodies like to store up to survive when things get tough. As a result, he loves to eat foods that will be stored in the form of fat. Fats that he can burn if he is deprived of food for too long afterwards. So the next time you’re craving a big burger or a good raclette, know that it’s just your body being too far-sighted. He still thinks he’s back in the days when we didn’t have supermarkets on every street corner, that idiot.

3. Which is worse between fat and sugar?

As long as we talk about bad stuff for the body, we will wonder which is the worst. Well it’s hard to say. Fat is more caloric than sugar, but a carbohydrate-free diet would be more effective than a fat-free diet in losing weight and preventing cardiovascular disease. If we also consider that certain fats are good for the body, I would tend to tell you to type less in desserts than in appetizers at restaurants.

4. Do food expiry dates have to be respected?

Come on, I’ll give you a list within the list so that you have a satisfactory overview:

– Meat, fish and charcuterie must be consumed up to the expiry date. Unless you want to end up with a tourista from hell (no, you don’t).

– Eggs can be eaten after the expiry date, but the water test must be done. Put your egg in a container containing water: if it remains at the bottom, it is still edible (but cook it well anyway). If it floats, dump it without mercy.

– Yoghurts, cheeses, pasteurized milk and fresh cream can be consumed up to 2 weeks after the expiry date. But before you hit them, feel them to see if they have turned. Well, cheese will always smell bad, so trust your instincts when it comes to it.

– Dry foods such as rice, flour, pasta, sugar, pulses etc. can be eaten long after their expiry date. Ditto for honey and canned foods. At worst, they will be less tasty, but that won’t change much.

5. What is the difference between an ice cream and a sorbet?

There, it’s much simpler: the sorbet is a mixture of fruit, sugar, and water. Ice cream is a mixture of fruit (or flavorings), sugar and fat (milk or eggs). So, if you pay attention to what you eat, choose the sorbet. Or opt for a good salad. But salads suck.

6. How is it possible, natural sparkling water?

Among the carbonated waters that can be found on the market, there are carbonated waters, which are still waters in which gas has been added at the factory (bouuuh), and natural carbonated waters. These come from underground aquifers that have trapped both water and carbon dioxide. Over time, the gas and water mix together, which simply produces carbonated water. It’s all shit in the end.

7. How can we no longer confuse nectarine with nectarine?

The difference is so slight that, in many countries, the two fruits are called nectarine (well not “nectarine”, because it is in other languages, but it is the translation of “nectarine” what). But we, in France, differentiate them like this: the nectarine has a firmer flesh, and its stone is easily detached from the flesh, while the nectarine has a less firm flesh which clings more to the stone. But hey, we’re not going to quibble: it still looks a lot alike.

8. Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Not at all. It would be a campaign of comm’ cereal lobbies dating from the beginning of the last century. In reality, there is no evidence that breakfast is a more important meal than the others. It is good if it is healthy and balanced (like not with industrial fruit juices and super sweet cereals), but you can skip it very well if you don’t feel hungry in the morning. In short, don’t force yourself to put on toast at 8am if you don’t feel like it.

9. What is umami really?

We have always been told that our taste buds can detect 4 flavors: salty, sweet, bitter and sour. However, for a while, we have been told that there is a 5th flavor. It’s umami, which in Japanese means “delicious taste”, and is supposed to be basic and quite neutral, like the taste of an unsalted beef broth. Well, afterwards, I can also get you the scientific explanation found on Wikipedia: “Umami represents the taste given by the amino acid L-glutamate and 5′-ribonucleotides such as guanosine monophosphate (GMP) and inosine monophosphate (IMP)” Personally I didn’t understand anything, but maybe that speaks to you.

10. How does salt enhance the taste?

I’m not going to hide it from you, the question is complicated, so we’re going to simplify it all: in salt (sodium chloride), the sodium ions stimulate the taste buds – which therefore feel more things, or feel them differently – while chloride ions give the salty taste sensation. That’s why by adding salt to a dish, we change the taste of the food, and, at the same time, we add a salty taste. Until then, I thought it was magic, but in fact not at all.

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