Top 5 Drinks to Reduce Cholesterol: Expert Advice for a Healthy Diet

2023-08-03 12:23:55

Written by Fatima Yasser Thursday, August 03, 2023 03:00 PM Sick cholesterol He has a special diet, and he permanently has a specific and different way of consuming food and drinks, and during this report we will learn about the most prominent and important drinks that they can consume, according to the report published on the “healthline” website, including:

-Green tea:

It contains a high percentage of antioxidants, so eating it is one of the good tricks to maintain its percentage in the blood, and reduce the chances of developing complications associated with this disease.

Ginger and chamomile:

All of them are warm drinks that contain a high percentage of antioxidants, so consuming them is one of the good tricks that contribute greatly to regulating the percentage of blood in the blood, and limit exposure to any health complications associated with it.


Do not add sugar or bleach to it, and you will get its many benefits. Eating it without any additives is one of the good tricks that contribute greatly to regulating blood sugar and reducing high cholesterol.

Watercress and celery juice:

Vegetables in general are good tricks that contribute significantly to maintaining body health and regulating blood levels.


It strengthens the immune system, but you should avoid adding sugar to the juice so as not to be exposed to a high percentage.

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