Tourism: bookings up sharply in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Normandy and Ile-de-France



Article written by

C. Rougerie, P. Juvigny, K. Toufik, F. Daireaux, A. Richier, R. Chapelard, L. Sabas

France 2

France Televisions

We are in February, but many French people are already thinking about the Easter holidays, and there are already twice as many reservations as last year at the same time, it’s the same for the summer holidays. .

The lifting of restrictions gives the French people the desire to escape. For tourism professionals, the horizon is clearing up. In the Var, a five-star campsite in the middle of nature will reopen in April, but its manager is smiling, the occupancy rate this summer is at its highest. Some opt for open-air accommodation, others for large houses. The alleviation of constraints gives more visibility to holidaymakers.

The pace is accelerating, with a sharp increase in bookings in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azurin Normandy and in Ile-de-France : +30% hotel room reservations for this summer compared to last year. More tourists who are also reviving outdoor activities, so many green indicators that are boosting the economy. If Europeans and Americans are back, on the other hand, Asian tourists are still missing.

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