Tragic Halloween Shooting: 29-Year-Old Father Shot and Killed While Trick-or-Treating with Daughter

2023-11-02 05:41:54

A 29-year-old father, Yeferson González, was suddenly shot and killed by a stranger at close range when he took his daughter to the street to participate in a trick-or-treating activity. He died after being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Having no skills, he was pronounced dead. (Photo/Twitter/@Newstron360)

A 29-year-old Colombian man was suddenly shot twice in the head by a stranger at close range when he accompanied his 3-year-old daughter on the street to participate in a Halloween event. When he fell to the ground, the gunman shot him in the chest again. He was eventually sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but was unable to survive and was pronounced dead.

According to the “Daily Mail” report, at around 7:20 pm on the 31st local time in Colombia, a 29-year-old father, Yeferson González, took his daughter to the street to participate in a trick-or-treating event. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly shot twice in the head by a strange man at close range. After he fell to the ground, the gunman shot him in the chest again, and then fled the scene on a motorcycle.

At the moment of the incident, Ye Fusen’s 3-year-old daughter was frightened and fell to the ground. Upon seeing this, Ye Fusen’s wife immediately stepped forward and took her daughter away from the scene. When medical staff rushed to the scene, they found that Ye Fusen was still breathing and heartbeating, so they immediately sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment. However, he was unable to survive and was pronounced dead at the hospital.

In this regard, the police stated that a task force has been set up to investigate the case. The identity of the suspect has not yet been determined, and the entire case is still under investigation.

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