Trailer attacks attendees at the Hidalgo Fair event; three dead

HIDALGO.- The Secretary of Security and the Attorney General’s Office of Hidalgo announced the balance of the accident that occurred during the Colonia de Santa Mónica fair, in the municipality of Epazoyucan after a trailer ran over the attendees of a drag event which left three people dead and 12 injured.

The incident occurred on Lázaro Cárdenas Street near Alcolera in the Santa Mónica neighborhood.

Two trailers participated in the event, one of whom got lost after the driver lost control and ran over the attendees.

The balance was three people dead, a 22-year-old young man with initials. JJ B, as well as MMV, 41 years old, and GM, 11 years old.

It was reported that around seven o’clock at night the blue truck, which was involved in the events, was located and secured, while the driver fled.

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#Trailer #attacks #attendees #Hidalgo #Fair #event #dead
2024-05-13 22:09:43

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