Training routine: when do you start to notice the results in the gym? | weight loss | healthy life | healthy habits | nutritious food | burn fat | healthy eating | physical health | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

when you start to train at the gym or you have a new exercise routine, you hope to see the results as soon as possible. Keeping success in mind can help you stay motivated on days when you lack energy. But you must keep in mind that each person and physical progress is different. However, if the training proper and follow a healthy diet, you can see progress in weeks.

If you never in your life realized physical activity constant, it will be very easy for you to see changes in the first 2 weeks, because you will notice an improvement in aerobic capacity and general physical condition. You will notice that you are less fatigued, it will be less labored for you to breathe during the exercise and you will recover more quickly. Furthermore, the level of body fat it will begin to decrease progressively, your posture will improve and you will begin to gain muscle mass.

Although determination is the first step and perhaps the most important, once this progress is achieved it is time to face another great challenge: understanding how long it takes to see the results of the gym.

How long does it take to achieve results in the gym?

Each achievement is different and this is due to different reasons such as age, size, gender, the activities you do during the day, the intensity you train and willpower. Starting to do some physical activity not only brings progress in the physical aspect, but also in your body or mental state. Next, we explain some progress that you will notice in the first month of training.

Results in four weeks of training

After approximately four weeks of training, your body will have adapted to the training and you will be able to perform more intense exercises, or with a greater load, noticing less effort and discomfort. Your aerobic capacity will continue to improve and you will begin to notice a Increased muscle mass.

In this period, you will not only notice a physical improvement, but also psychological. You will be more motivated and exercise will become a relaxation method that will help you disconnect from your problems and even better sleep.

Results of 6 weeks of training

During the first month of training, you will experience great internal and psychological changes, however, the great results will begin to be seen from the sixth week of training, approximately. This will be the moment in which the physical changes are more visible and that satisfying moment arrives in which the people around you begin to see results clearly.

From 2-3 months

After 2-3 months of training, the improvement in body composition will be evident, and you will set yourself new and much more specific goals. If after this period the results are not evident, it is time to stop and reflect and see why your preparation plan is not working.

What factors reduce my progress in the gym?

Playing sports is not the key to achieving a dream body or an improvement in your physical condition, but it is also important to eat a healthy and balanced diet in accordance with the sporting objective that you set for yourself. If your diet is not properly planned, it will be very difficult to achieve changes in the short or long term.

Remember that the protein intake of an athlete’s diet must be higher than that of a sedentary person, since proteins are key to building muscle and recovering after exertion. Likewise, you should avoid excessive consumption of foods high in fat, sugar, preservatives and the intake of alcoholic beverages that are a setback to your physical progress.

Why is it important to exercise?

Playing sports regularly and properly, or doing any physical activity that requires energy, reduces the risk of many non-communicable diseases and disorders, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, strokesdiabetes, breast and colon cancer and depression.

According to official data from the World Health Organization (WHO), people with an insufficient level of physical activity have a 20-30% higher risk of death compared to people who achieve a sufficient level of physical activity, that is, People who implement some physical activity in their day to day have between 20 and 30% less chance of dying from some diseases.


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