Training Your Body for Happiness: Pilates Exercises for a Happy and Healthy Mind-Body Connection

2023-07-20 06:47:31

We talk a lot about training a happy brain and not so much to train a happy bodyAt least not in these terms. Have you ever planted water if you body is happyand smile? Ask us how he is dialogue that we keep with our body can shed light on us improve relationship that we maintain with him and thus improve our welfare general. For example, when we demand too much effort o perfection to our body, it suffers. If we demand too little of you or ultra protect, also. One of the things that happier makes our body is he exercise, keep it active. Today we bring you one Pilates exercise chart easy that you can practice this summer wherever you aredo a lot or a little heat. You can do them in house, on the beach, on the terraceCorpora Pilatesthe pioneer center in introducing the pilates method therapeutically in Spain, he explains, step by step, how to perform them to maintain your active and happy body during the holidays, remove toxinsshape your body and deepen the flexibility. Maintaining these good habits will benefit your body and your mind. the same Joseph Pilatesdefined exercise as “the science and art of the coordinated development of the body and mind through natural movements, under strict control of consciousness.”

therapeutic pilates, three times a week

The creators of this methodology are the founders of Corpora Pilates: Laura Cabral, graduate in Physical Education INEF, and Dr. Juan Bosco Calvo, professor at the University of Alcalá. “He Pilates It is so complete that in a short time you will notice the results throughout your body. The training focuses on developing and giving stability to the internal or core musclesformed by abdominals, buttocks and lower back and pelvis. Through strength, flexibility and attention to the muscle control, posture and breathingthis method helps align the spine and achieve body balance,” they explain. How long and how many times a week do you have to practice it? “It is recommended to practice at least 3 times a week, for 30 minutes to be able to notice the results”, they indicate.

exercises to work abs, buttocks and lower back and pelvis

To get the most out of this Pilates exercise chart you have to take into account the concentration. Its creators point out that “you have to have absolute control over the motionavoiding the lack of control or overload and practicing the fluidity and harmony management in the breathing -the exercises go to the rhythm of complete breaths, if the exercise is more intense the pelvic floor to avoid injury to the column – and finally the precision that require these movements, as well as the mental effort what they suppose”.

Exercise I: Quadrupedia

Cuadrupedia.©Corpora Pilates

“Perfect to start the session, the quadrupedia is beneficial after having spent many hours sitting in front of the computerThis exercise strengthens abs, shoulders, wrists and buttocks“.

How to do it:

We start from quadrupediasupport on hands under the shoulders and slightly ahead, the knees aligned below the hips, keeping the pelvis and the spine in perfect alignment with the head, the dorsal curve and the sacrum. Can you imagine that you are mesa and that no object placed on it can move. To activate the “abdominal center”you have to challenge him, moving a leg stretching it backwards, keeping the pelvis stable. HE take air in the preparation and exhale with the movement. Repeat with the opposite leg. In addition to the center, the shoulders, wrists and glutes are strengthened.

Exercise II: Bridge

Puente.©Corpora Pilates

“He “bridging” make it more flexible lumbar spine and lengthens the spine, while strengthening the hamstrings and glutesstretch the girdle and psoas“.

How to do it:

Starts lying face upwith the arms extended to the side of the body, the knees flexed with feet parallel, well supported on the ground and slightly apart, aligned at the width of the knees and hips. We are taking off the body from the ground blood clot for blood clotstarting with the sacrum and continuing with the lumbars, followed by the dorsals, articulating and flexing them one by one, until reaching the support of the shoulder blades. The flexibilizing effect of this exercise improves if we use the breathing; you have to take a breath before starting to raise the column, then you gradually release it while you contract the abdomen and we are raising the body with control, taking off vertebra by vertebra. Once up, we maintain the position for a few seconds. To go down, we take in air through the nose again and release it through the mouth, while we support each vertebra on the ground in the opposite direction: from the dorsal to the lumbar.

Exercise III: One leg stretch (Single Leg Stretch)

Single Leg Stretch.©Corpora Pilates

“This exercise tries to challenge the stabilization of the entire stemfirst in the flexion and then in the extension of the legs to strengthen the “core”. The body must remain stable, without being displaced by the movement, which is why a gran control abdominal“.

How to do it:

Starts lying face upwe flex knees towards the chest creating a 90° angle, we contract ABS and we begin by stretching the leg right, then, it alternates with the left in each breathing. The head is kept on the shoulderslooking straight ahead so as not to overload the neck.

Exercise IV: Mermaid

Mermaid (Sirena).©Corpora Pilates

“In addition to stretching and making the intercostal spaces (improving breathing), helps stretch the side muscles“.

How to do it:

we started from seatedsupporting both well sitting bones on the ground, it can be done with the knees bent to the side, in a “Z” position, crossed or in a chair. Place one hand on the ground, to one side of the body and the other, forming a semicircle above the head. shoulders and neck relaxed to avoid tension. Keeping the pelvismoves the spine in side bending, elongating it upwards describing a parabola. Then inhale with the ribs upwards towards the ceiling, trying to separate them well. Exhale to return to the starting position, as if the ribs were lowered like a blind. Change sides and repeat the same movements.

Exercise V: Plancha reverse (Leg pull back)

Leg pull back ©Corpora Pilates

“As the ironIt is a very complete exercise, but backwards. This exercise improves the stability of the hips and kneesIt also strengthens the muscles of the shoulderthe back, the buttocks and legs“.

How to do it:

Starting from a position of sittinglas legs stretched and the arms leaning back, with elbows straight and hands pointing at our body. Air is taken and when released, the gluteus going from sitting, to a posture of alignment of the spine in an inverse way, trying to draw a straight line from the head, shoulders, pelvis and legs. Important, to avoid shoulders go beyond the wrists so as not to injure ourselves.
#body #happy #summer #exercise #table #practice

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